Mappers with over 300k edits in ~400 days creating work that is auto approved

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May 4, 2013, 1:01:43 PM5/4/13
How do I combat this?

Some of there edits are fine, although fairly crude buildings.

Others, like these that I am correcting, don't even make sense.  

The buildings are created with no approval - this is the issue.  If I created something as bad as some of these, I would get denied.  I call shenanigans.

Mara Winslow

May 4, 2013, 4:43:08 PM5/4/13
to General Map Maker on behalf of David
Interestingly enough, I couldn't find your post in General Mapping.

It is a mess.  Look at the History.  Those are Maps Editors doing those edits.  Could it get worse?  Yes! Maps Listing Editors are leaking into my State.  Both are Googlers so everything that they do goes through.

North Carolina apparently has acquired the same problem that's plagued South Carolina for a while.  It's a Sandbox for new Googlers.  I'm running into the same thing here

I don't usually go over the state line except around Charlotte but I was able to clear a few of your edits.

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Kev Hardie

May 4, 2013, 4:49:32 PM5/4/13
You can rate each edit.
There is a link at the bottom of the edit and you can comment on it and mark it as good or should have been denied.

Josh Manchester

May 5, 2013, 10:41:38 AM5/5/13
The buildings you speak of were created by the Google Automated Building bot.  It uses the 45 degree pictures to determine height of objects and then determines that they are buildings and makes a general outline of the building and gives it height information.  The entire town of Colorado Springs had that bot sweep through about 2 months ago and it mapped every last building it could find.

Mara Winslow

May 5, 2013, 3:22:07 PM5/5/13
to General Map Maker on behalf of David
The six buildings that I approved published immediately.  The two deletes needed more approvals than mine but they seem to be gone today.

To check on what's going on in an edit right click on the map by  the edit.  Then choose "Find Near This" from the drop down menu.   Choose the edit that you want to look at and click on Details. then Click on History.  You will be able to see who has edited and you can Rate the Edit.  That's if it has a history...the church building edit doesn't.

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 1:01 PM, David via General Map Maker <> wrote:
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