Question about Gdata.feed's function

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Oct 7, 2009, 1:34:14 AM10/7/09
to Google Data Protocol
I am writing a JavaScript HTML file and want to use the Google
Spreadsheets Data API (with Gdata.js).But now I find that when I use
"myService1.getFeed(feedUrl,addEntry,handleError);" to get a feed and
in the function addEntry(gd) I call a funciton "gd.feed.insertEntry
(newEntry,logmein(),handleError);".Then the Firebug tell me
"gd.feed.insertEntry is not a function".It seems that object gd only
have data but no methods.
I also read the Gdata's manual for Javascript.Its code didn't work at
my computer either.So I wanna ask how can I call the function
"insertEntry(entry, continuation, opt_errorHandler) - Instance method
in class google.gdata.Feed " that write in the GData JavaScript
2.0 document.


Oct 11, 2009, 1:17:15 AM10/11/09
to Google Data Protocol
You should post the code you currently have. The JS API doesn't have
explicit support for Spreadsheets, even though it's extensible so you
should be able add this in, but it's possible that there's something
missing in your code.

It sounds like gd.feed is null, is that right?



Oct 13, 2009, 3:13:24 AM10/13/09
to Google Data Protocol
Bobby,thanks for your reply. gd.feed is not null,it just don't have
any methods.I can use gd.feed.entrys[2].title.t$ or things like that
getting the data.BTW,now I call googleService.insertEntry to insert
entry to the feed.But I am still wonder why gd.feed have no methods.
Thank you again.
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