[Question] Reverse lookup Guice created instance's type and annotation

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Yutian Wu

Apr 11, 2021, 3:02:41 PM4/11/21
to google-guice
This might be a very specific requirement, while I think it is rather common in an AOP implementation.

so I was using Guice AOP with a generic class, and I bind the class with TypeLiteral and Annotation.

bind(new TypeLiteral<GenericClass<String>>(){}).annotatedWith(Annotation1.class).to(...)
bind(new TypeLiteral<GenericClass<String>>(){}).annotatedWith(Annotation2.class).to(...)

and then we used it directly in constructor injection.

now when I create an aspect on GenericClass, I want to know the current instance annotation and its generic type, is it possible to do so in Guice?

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