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Pixelverse Announces Play-to-Airdrop Campaign 🔥

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Jun 4, 2024, 9:39:45 PM6/4/24
to google-glog

Pixelverse is a quest-based battler set in a cyberpunk pixelated universe. Players can engage in PvE battles, collect valuable items, and enhance their skills while navigating through the quest system. Now, let’s explore some key aspects:

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Airdrop Details:

Pixelverse is currently running an airdrop where you can claim free PIXFI tokens. The total airdrop pool is 10,000,000 PIXFI.

To participate:

Visit the Pixelverse airdrop page.

Sign up with your email address to receive 500 PIX points.

Complete your avatar and connect your social media accounts.

Earn more points by participating in various in-game activities like team battles, bot maintenance, trading, and battle predictions.

Invite friends to receive a percentage of their PIX earnings.

The PIXFI tokens will be shared among participants1.

Play-to-Airdrop Campaign:

Pixelverse invites Web3 gaming enthusiasts to be part of its development.

Use the invite code ( aaaranphpr ) during sign-up to get 500 PIX points.

Participate in in-game activities to collect more points and earn a share of the 10 million PIXFI tokens2.

Telegram Bot:

You can also participate in the airdrop via the Pixelverse Telegram bot.

Solve the captcha, enter your wallet address, complete tasks with socials, and share your referral link to win a share of the $20,000 pool (200 prizes in total)3.

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1/ Go to

➢ Open the link via Telegram and click on “Start”;

➢ Press “Launch bot” and swipe to the left to skip the introduction screens.

3/ In the Pixelverse App ➢ Start clicking on the Bot to earn points; ➢ Once you react 1000 points, click on the “Feed and Claim” button; ➢ Head to the Pets section and upgrade your Bot.

4/ In the Pixelverse App ➢ After your Bot is upgraded, go to the Battles tab and click on “Find the enemy”; ➢ Click on the enemy Bot to deal damage. Highlighted zones mark the spots where you can deal even more damage so click inside the zone once it appears; ➢ Overall the mini-game is pretty simple and intuitive, the goal is to empty the enemy’s healthbar before they empty yours.

5/ Head to

➢ Sign up with your email, enter aaaranphpr and press “Confirm”; ➢ Open the Pets section and start the Streak by feeding your Bot; ➢ Go to the Tasks section and complete the quest.

6/ Go back to the Pixelverse App

➢ Go to the Tasks tab and complete the tasks from each section;

➢ Open the Gang tab, click on the Invite button and share your ref code in the comments



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