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GFC invite friends, retrieve list of selected users

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Apr 18, 2011, 6:58:15 AM4/18/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum

I was able to successfully integrate GFC into my website. Everything
works well.

But now I have a requirement of getting the list of users to whom
invitations are sent using GFC invite. Is it possible? If yes how?

I have gone through all the apis and documents but could not figure
out how to do it. GFC opens up the invite window in a popup. I can't
figure out how to get the list of selected users from it.

I would greatly appreciate if you can provide any help or pointers.

Thanks in advance.

Bob Aman

Apr 18, 2011, 1:35:52 PM4/18/11
> But now I have a requirement of getting the list of users to whom
> invitations are sent using GFC invite. Is it possible? If yes how?

That information is not available. You can get the list of members,
but not invitees. This is an opt-in scenario.

Ben Woods

Apr 18, 2011, 2:59:37 PM4/18/11

Yeah, invitees should have the option to stay anon. I would not like it if someone invited me and all of a sudden, that site, which I didn't care for, had my Google account and email west, etc.

That would be a giant no no.

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Apr 18, 2011, 2:39:28 PM4/18/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
Thanks for the answer Bob, your answer ended my R&D.

I just had another idea to implement my requirement and would like to
confirm with you. If i create my own interface of inviting friends
then will it be possible to send invite notifications from my app
through REST or RPC or anything to GFC?

Bob Aman

Apr 18, 2011, 3:12:35 PM4/18/11
> Thanks for the answer Bob, your answer ended my R&D.
> I just had another idea to implement my requirement and would like to
> confirm with you. If i create my own interface of inviting friends
> then will it be possible to send invite notifications from my app
> through REST or RPC or anything to GFC?

There are no API calls that will allow you to sign someone up for GFC.
Again, this is an issue of opt-in — if you could sign someone up
through an API, you could sign them up without their knowledge.

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