Google friend connect wordpress plugin, posts closed for commenting

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Forboding Angel

Jul 16, 2011, 4:28:51 AM7/16/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
Ok, so I have switched over to using the plugin for GFC. Mainly
because I got sick of having to check gfc all the time to see if
comments had come in.

Anyway, now that I have done this, for some really irritating reason,
commenting is allowed on pages, but not on posts.

My last post was a couple weeks ago... 15+ days. In the admin section
of wordpress in discussion settings, automatically close comments is
NOT checked. But if I make a new post it can be commented upon.

Therefore I conclude that this is a bug in the plugin or gfc. please

Forboding Angel

Jul 16, 2011, 4:30:55 AM7/16/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
What the hell? Only 3 of the posts are closed for commenting? Wtf is
going on here?

John D'Orazio

Jul 20, 2011, 8:54:52 AM7/20/11
I have a hunch that GFC is coming to an end, now that Google+ is out. Google has already promised they will develop an API for Google+, so at that point GFC would have no reason for existence. I'm supposing this is why there isn't a whole lot of support for GFC lately...
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