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Google Friend Connect won't show up in IE9

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Forboding Angel

Mar 24, 2011, 2:44:06 AM3/24/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
Ok well, I'm running wordpress, self hosted of course @

I have recently replaced the wordpress member stuff (login/commenting/
etc) with google friend connect. It works perfectly fine in Firefox 4
and the latest Chrome, however, it fails to show anything in IE9.

Normally I wouldn't give a crap, but IE9 should not have trouble
displaying it. Of course, as I'm using wordpress, I am having to use

window.JSON = {
parse: function(st){
return st.evalJSON();
stringify: function(obj){
return Object.toJSON(obj);

Script so that it will work (I've placed it in the header, directly
after the <body> tag).


Bob Aman

Mar 25, 2011, 1:16:44 PM3/25/11
to, Forboding Angel

The problem is likely that you're using an old version Prototype
somewhere. Try replacing your copy of Prototype with version 1.7 and
then remove the work-around hack.

Forboding Angel

Mar 25, 2011, 2:49:31 PM3/25/11
to Bob Aman,
Ok, that removed the need for the workaround hack (which is wonderful),
but still no joy in IE9 (I have no idea about older browsers -- Don't
care much).

The code is being called via the widgets bar(sidebar) (using a text/html
widget). The comments code I actually turned into a function
(conveniently placed in functions.php in the theme), so I could call it
with a function in the theme instead of needing to paste the code every


Forboding Angel

Mar 29, 2011, 4:32:54 PM3/29/11
to Bob Aman,
In case any other developers get stuck on this... If you do what bob has
suggested, it will work fine in IE 7 and 8 but not in 9. I highly
suggest adding Google Chrome Frame to your site. It essentially is an
addon for IE that basically puts google chrome into IE invisibly so that
when viewing a site that is GCF enabled, it will be rendered by Google
Chrome Frame, exactly the way it would be rendered in Google Chrome,
Firefox, Opera, etc.

For an example of what IE users experience, visit with Internet Exploder.


Apr 17, 2011, 5:08:50 AM4/17/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
I changed my security settings, options, security tab, internet sites,
to Medium High from High in IE9 and everything began to display.

On Mar 24, 12:44 am, Forboding Angel <> wrote:
> Ok well, I'm running wordpress, self hosted of course @
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