Fatal Error with WP Friends Connect

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Apr 21, 2011, 12:17:31 AM4/21/11
to Google Friend Connect Developer Forum
I installed the Friends connect to my wordpress so that they can log
in with that and post. I also installed the HTML on the side bar for
the Friends Connect Gadget.

I have not been able to fix this error. I thought maybe because I
can't set my GFC ID but I think I have to do that from settings. The
problem with that is, wordpress disables the plug-in because of the
error and I don't see the settings for it on the left side bar of my
admin area.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fc_wp_get_avatar() (previously declared
in /home/content/s/a/v/saveware/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/
fc_plugin/fc_plugin.php:54) in /home/content/s/a/v/saveware/html/
wordpress/wp-content/plugins/googlefriendconnect/gfc_plugin.php on
line 262

AKA: MrSaveware
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