MarketValue for GBP currency conversion is wrong (off by 100?)

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Hung Le

Jan 17, 2011, 6:34:29 PM1/17/11
to Google Finance APIs and Tools
I have a test portfolio with just one position: 1 share of AAPL

. If I set the currency for the portfolio to GBP, the position
market values returned via the API will have the following values:

Exchange: NASDAQ
Symbol: AAPL
Full Name: Apple Inc.
Updated: 2011-01-17T23:12:39.000Z
Share count: 1.00
This position is worth 2.19 GBP.
This position is worth 348.48 USD.

This is wrong, should be: 348.48 * 0.6297 = 219.43 GBP

. If I set the portfolio currency to other currency such as EUR, the
converted value is OK. For example,
Exchange: NASDAQ
Symbol: AAPL
Full Name: Apple Inc.
Updated: 2011-01-17T23:17:16.000Z
Share count: 1.00
This position is worth 262.49 EUR.
This position is worth 348.48 USD.

Using Java API, codes:

if (positionData.getMarketValue() == null) {"\t\tMarket Value not specified");
} else {
List<Money> moneyList = positionData.getMarketValue()

for (Money money : moneyList) {
"\t\tThis position is worth %.2f %s.",

PortfoliosGo Team

Feb 15, 2011, 10:27:22 PM2/15/11
to Google Finance APIs and Tools
We are also seeing the same behavior.

The value fetch for the Portfolios whose currency is GBP the value is
off by 100?

However, when the same portfolio show up in Google Finance, the value
is displayed correctly.

Is there any reason for this special treatment to GBP based
portfolios? Is there any fix available?

Thanks and Regards,
PortfoliosGo Team

Keita Kobayashi

Mar 1, 2011, 9:26:34 PM3/1/11
to Google Finance APIs and Tools
I'm seeing the same problem. As a temporary fix, we could x100 but
that wouldn't be much help when the underlying bug is fixed..

Keita Kobayashi
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