Google Finance APIs and Tools to be shut down in October

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Karolina (Google Employee)

Apr 24, 2012, 8:20:29 PM4/24/12
Dear Finance API users, 
As you may have heard from the Google Developers Blog, Google is doing an API spring cleaning. One of the APIs affected is the Google Finance API (both the Portfolio API and the Finance Gadgets and Tools API), which will be shut down on October 20, 2012.
This was not an easy decision to take. We work with a large number of data providers and need to respect our relationships with them. As a result, we had to keep the API restricted to end users, which prevented a meaningful ecosystem from growing around the API. We also realized that we could serve more people better by integrating the data into other Google products rather than requiring them to write code to access the data. For example, check out the GoogleFinance() function in Google Spreadsheets which replicates some of the API's functionality without requiring you to write code.
Thank you for being loyal users of the Google Finance API over the last few years.

 - Karolina Netolicka, Google Finance Product Manager

Jake Milton - Barker

Apr 25, 2012, 3:17:15 AM4/25/12
is it possible to use the function to do the search for ticker symbols

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Jul 16, 2012, 8:15:38 AM7/16/12
Dear Karonina,

May we hope to dispose soon of the following cell functions ?
Very expected eagerly:
- GoogleFinance("GOOG"; "highest price"; "since")
where "since" is for instance the date at which we bought the Google shares.
Of course, also "lowest price"

Should be nice:
- GoogleFinance("BSBR"; "relative deviation"; "since")
where "relative deviation" is the amplitude in + and in - with respect to the linear regression or N-days average

At which address can we introduce such kind of suggestions ?

Many thanks


Jul 16, 2012, 8:25:55 AM7/16/12
Dear Karolina,

Expected impatiently:
GoogleFiance("BSBR"; "highest price"; "since")
Which returns the "highest price since we bought the share, for instance.
Of course, also "lowest price".

At which address can we post suggestions ?
Thanks a lot

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:20:29 AM UTC+2, Karolina (Google Employee) wrote:
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:20:29 AM UTC+2, Karolina (Google Employee) wrote:
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:20:29 AM UTC+2, Karolina (Google Employee) wrote:
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:20:29 AM UTC+2, Karolina (Google Employee) wrote:
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Jan 17, 2013, 2:14:52 PM1/17/13
Almost 3 months past the October 20 shut down date. But things still seem to be working... whats going on.
Specifically, I was working on an Android app using the Finance Portfolios API. Following you announcement I stopped working on it although I continue to use it myself... and it's still working. Am I missing something?



Feb 5, 2013, 1:33:02 PM2/5/13
Hi Karolina,

I'm guessing today (02/05/13) is, for me, the very sad day. Mixed emotions as today is also the day I got my Nexus 4. Just doesn't seem as good when your number 1 app doesn't work on it. So I angrily go looking for more information: partly because the app doesn't work, partly because there was no response to my 01/17/13 post (2 below) , and partly because the Google Finance app still works (1 below).

1) Google Finance app still working.

I did see that the Finance app was recently updated. What's new:
Ensure ongoing compatibility with upcoming API changes.

Is it possible to get more information on this?

2) No response to me previous post.

I don't know why and at this point have probably spent too much time trying to figure out why, but I did not receive a email notification for a response and I don't see a response in Google Finance APIs and Tools › Google Finance APIs and Tools to be shut down in October. However, when I search all Groups for "Finance api" the search results show 

Re: Google Finance APIs and Tools to be shut down in October 

Group: Google Finance APIs and Tools (Member)
Karolina (Google Employee) google-finance-apis Hello Don, The API is in fact deprecated and will stop working very soon. As for Chavadam's question on where to post other questions/suggestions - we are more actively checking the Google Finance group, found here: ...
Jan 17 by Karolina (Google Employee) - 5 posts by 4 authors 2819 views

I click on the link but your post isn't there???????

Any ideas?


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