How do you set Min and Max Altitudes on a single path

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Jim Nolan

Mar 19, 2014, 12:17:36 PM3/19/14

I am relatively new to Google Earth and I am not a programmer.  I have been looking for instructions on how to set height of a path to different values at each end of the path. 

Under the Google Earth - Edit Path Menu popup, there is a place that lets you set the altitude of the path with the following options:

1.  Clamped to Ground
2.  Clamped to Sea Floor
3.  Relative to Ground
4.  Relative to Sea Floor
5.  Absolute

In either of these options it only lets you enter one value, which is correct for one end a path but not the other end which where the ground elevation is different.

I noticed that when I first draw in a path line, GE sets up the values in the pop up under the Relative to Ground option, the following
  "various altitudes (min=XXm, max=YYm)". 

However, when I try to use the same format to enter the correct altitudes for the path altitude above the Relative to Ground level, the program just reverts to one value.

Is there a way to implement  different values of a path altitude at each end of the path?

See attached KMZ file of the Ewa Nui to Tripler Path as an example of the problem I am experiencing. 

Thanks in advance.

Ewa Nui to Tripler_20140319b.kmz

Sam Rellier

Jul 8, 2015, 3:51:21 PM7/8/15
I have the same problem and it is driving me crazy if you find a way to do that I would love to know.

Sam Rellier

Jul 9, 2015, 12:03:30 PM7/9/15
I figured it out you must save your path as a kml file and edit the elevation with a text editor like notepad++ Here is the line to edit     -94.43580980197005,39.09420836687627,27.44201526903018 -94.3900616819104,39.12305106514647,45.881697693302919 just change the numbers after the coma to the elevation you need for the corresponding site save and reopen in google earth and it will now show your new elevation.

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 11:17:36 AM UTC-5, Jim Nolan wrote:

Sam Rellier

Jul 9, 2015, 12:13:15 PM7/9/15
Here is your link with 21 meters on one side and 10 on the other Note the change in the coordinates line
-158.0454564982245,21.37268174514687,20.999999999999998 -157.8699910923267,21.37066524757848,9.999999999999998 (new)
-158.0454564982245,21.37268174514687,9.999999999999998 -157.8699910923267,21.37066524757848,9.999999999999998 (original)

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 11:17:36 AM UTC-5, Jim Nolan wrote:
Path Ewa Nui to Tripler.kml
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