Live Tracking google earth pluggins doesn't work

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Thomas péré

Jul 8, 2015, 7:10:06 AM7/8/15
I try to follow the redbull xalps, and they provide a live tracking of the competitors with google earth pluging...
I have chrome and i installed the pluging, but it still doesn't work at all...
i don't know what to do...


Jul 11, 2015, 8:54:57 AM7/11/15
Hi, Google is phasing out this type of plugin.  In fact the Google Earth plugin won't work in Chrome now unless you re-enable plugins via a flag.  You can read more about this here: 

If you go to the GE plugin page ( in Chrome, unless you have enabled the flag (chrome://flags/#enable-npapi), you will be told you need to download the plugin.

As soon as you enable npapi and restart Chrome, you will see on the GE plugin page that the plugin is installed.

The GE plugin page needs updating with an explanation, and Google is aware of this, but whether they will do it is another matter ...

This page is specifically for the Tour Builder, but it's quite informative even if you are using a different product or site:

This forum is not active.  Developer questions can be asked at StackOverflow, user questions should be asked in the Google Maps and Earth help forum.

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