Issue with Setting Targeting in Google Ad Manager API PHP SDK

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Anew Fonnapat

1:39 AM (14 hours ago) 1:39 AM
to Google Ad Manager API Forum
Dear Google Ad Manager Support Team,

I am reaching out regarding an issue I am facing while using the Google Ad Manager API PHP SDK to create line items with targeting settings.

Specifically, I am attempting to set operating system, device, and language targeting under technology targeting for a line item. The API executes successfully, and the line item is created without errors. However, the targeting settings are not reflected on the Google Ad Manager portal for operating system, device, and location.

I have verified that the targeting IDs for operating system, device, and location are correct, and I have also checked the API response for any error messages related to targeting.

I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue. Please let me know if there are any additional steps I should take or if there is any additional information you require from me.

Ad Manager API Forum Advisor

8:12 AM (8 hours ago) 8:12 AM


Thank you for contacting the Ad Manager API support team.

I have reviewed your query and understand that you created line items using the Google Ad Manager API PHP Library. You have set different targeting elements for a line item, and it executed successfully, but the targeting settings for operating system, device, and location are not reflected on the Google Ad Manager portal. Please provide us with the following details to investigate the issue further.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vE7gc:ref" (ADR-00259504)

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