Cannot get AuthSubTokenInfo to work from a Firefox extension

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May 19, 2010, 12:17:40 AM5/19/10
to Google Data Javascript Client
Hi, I am trying to verify that my token works by hitting Earlier this
evening, I was getting 403s and now I'm getting 401s, so I don't know
whether I've gotten myself blacklisted in the process of debugging.

I am using GData from a Firefox extension, so I am forced to use
ClientLogin rather than AuthSub. Is that the reason that my call to
AuthSubTokenInfo is failing? I don't see anything about it in the

Because I am doing this from a Firefox extension, I am using an

// authToken is already defined
var url = '';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var asynchronous = false;'GET', url, asynchronous);
var header = 'AuthSub token="' + authToken + '"';

I also tried this outside of Firefox using cUrl, which also gives me a

The strange thing is that my Firefox extension that uses the token
appears to work fine, so I have no reason to believe it isn't valid.
(I'm able to access my doclist and load files, etc.).

If it is the case that this method is not available to me because I'm
using ClientLogin, is there an alternative? Given that a ClientLogin
token seems to expire every couple of weeks or so, it seems quite
important that there is a way to check whether it is still valid so I
can prompt the user to enter his or her password again. (Obviously I
could just try to load the user's doclist as a proxy for checking the
validity of the token, but that seems wrong.)

Thank you,

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May 19, 2010, 10:07:57 AM5/19/10
to Google Data Javascript Client
Hi Michael. It looks like your analysis is correct. ClientLogin
doesn't support a "get info" method, so the best you can do is try the
request, and ask the user to log in if the request fails.


On May 19, 12:17 am, bolinfest <> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to verify that my token works by hitting Earlier this
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