Removal Request for 7000 items in google merchant

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Mathieu Fleet

Feb 24, 2017, 3:11:45 PM2/24/17
to Google Content API for Shopping
hi we replaced google API that was linking using the google app in shopify store for use manual feed intead.

google merchant departement requested me to ask here for removal of all items with shopify_ca items in my account.

thx for help

Lakshmi (Content API Team)

Feb 24, 2017, 4:35:07 PM2/24/17
to Google Content API for Shopping

Do you want to remove/delete the products from the Merchant Center? Since you uploaded those products via Shopify, please check with Shopify customer support on how to remove them via Shopify user interface.

On that note we will not make any changes (insert/deleted/updates) to the customer's Merchant Center.

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this.

Lakshmi, Content API Team

Mathieu Fleet

Feb 26, 2017, 9:46:16 AM2/26/17
to Google Content API for Shopping
there is no Unlist option in YOUR application for shopify..
google merchant support team requested me to ask here for the removal of all shopify_CA items listed on our account.

we are now using XML feed we upload everynight but the API products are hanging there even if the API feed is deleted.

there a couple thousand of items that need to be removed

plz help as we pay adword for nothing

Lakshmi (Content API Team)

Feb 27, 2017, 12:37:37 PM2/27/17
to Google Content API for Shopping

The Google shopping app was developed by Shopify. Did you get a chance to check with Shopify support? They can check their backend and help you to delete the products that were uploaded to your Merchant Center using their app. I suggest contacting them and also checking the Shopify user interface for any option that could delete the products.

If you didn't get any help from Shopify, please send the Merchant Center id in a private message. I will check with rest of the team if there is a resolution from our end.

Lakshmi, Content API Team

Mathieu Fleet

Mar 3, 2017, 9:48:23 AM3/3/17
to Google Content API for Shopping
hi , i no longer use Google Merchant Shopofy App, can you plz share the HTTP request i need to write down to delete all api product that was added in the google merchant account ?

i put few thousand a week in adword and the campain is completely confused by those old api product added that i want to get ride of.

its more like 15000 skus that need to be deleted.


Mathieu Fleet

Mar 3, 2017, 9:51:14 AM3/3/17
to Google Content API for Shopping

On Friday, 24 February 2017 15:11:45 UTC-5, Mathieu Fleet wrote:
hi we deleted google API that was linked using the google app in shopify store for use manual feed intead.
shopify cant do nothing with my request 

Lakshmi (Content API Team)

Mar 3, 2017, 1:22:33 PM3/3/17
to Google Content API for Shopping

To delete the products in bulk you need to use Products.custombatch with delete method. Please check this link for HTTP request for Products.custombatch service. The Products.delete method is used to delete the individual products which is not a feasible option when you have 1500 products to delete. Also, we have the GitHub samples for deleting a product and deleting products in a batch request. You can download the samples in your preferred language.

Refer the following steps on how to delete those products.
  1. You need to do Products.list to get the list of all products that exist in your Merchant center. 
  2. Filter the list at your end for shopify_CA items 
  3. Do a Products.custombatch delete for the filtered list (the list you get after filtering for shopify_CA items)
Please refer to the Getting started guide. Let me know if you have any further questions on this.

P.S: The uploaded products expiry date is 30 days.

Lakshmi, Content API Team


Mar 4, 2017, 12:52:17 PM3/4/17
to Google Content API for Shopping
Sometimes it's simply enough to mark the products as out of stock, especially if you're just concerned about traffic to those IDs. I'd create an inventory update feed in google merchant center, get a list of all IDs in the system from Shopify, and upload a CSV/TSV to mark those products out of stock. You can leave out the other columns in the feed like price/sale price. Google processes this kind of file way faster than any API solution, and it may be easier for you especially as a one-shot deal.

Manuel Regidor

Dec 13, 2022, 11:47:00 AM12/13/22
to Google Content API for Shopping

I have a similar question.

Currently we are uploading products by feed, but we are going to change to Content API. In the feed, we only have the products that we have available, so when Google fetches this feed, only products which we have stock are available.

Is any option in Content API in order to replace all products when uploading via batches?re

Shopping API Forum Advisor

Dec 13, 2022, 3:41:02 PM12/13/22

Are you looking to replace all the existing products in the feed using API? Please add more details to the following one:

Is any option in Content API in order to replace all products when uploading via batches?

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Content API for Shopping Team



Manuel Regidor

Dec 13, 2022, 4:15:11 PM12/13/22
to Shopping API Forum Advisor,
First of all, thank you for your fast reply.

Currently, we are uploading products via product feed, without API (we make this feed exporting the products from the database). So if a product "disappears" from the database, when the feed is exported, and Google fetches again this feed, the product is not available any more.

But now, we are moving to Content API, as we are a multi client account.

How can we mimic this behaviour with Content API? Is the only way delete all products and then insert all again?
Manuel Regidor

Shopping API Forum Advisor

Dec 13, 2022, 11:54:01 PM12/13/22

Hi Manuel,


This is Ciara from the Content API support team as well.


From the Content API's perspective, even if the product was not included on your custombatch:insert request, it will not be automatically removed. To confirm, you would need to manually delete the products via the products.delete method in order to remove them from your feed and make sure that it is not included on your custombatch:insert request.


Let me know if you have any questions.



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Content API for Shopping Team

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