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LAST REMINDER: You are reading a defunct mailing list!

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Kevin Bourrillion

Jan 12, 2010, 12:28:12 PM1/12/10
to Google Collections Library - users list, Google Collections Library - developer list
Please remember to take the steps outlined below if you wish to continue to be part of the discussion.

I will now set these lists to archive-only mode, accepting new posts.  (Poor spammers!)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Bourrillion <>
Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 11:33 AM
Subject: YOUR ACTION REQUIRED: Google Collections mailing lists are deprecated!
To: Google Collections Library - users list <>, Google Collections Library - developer list <>


The scope of the Google Collections Library has now been broadened into "Guava", which adds libraries for primitives, I/O, concurrency and more.  It's time to jump ship from these mailing lists which are dedicated to the Google Collections Library.  Even if you don't plan to use other Guava features, we don't want to keep discussions separated between two different lists for no good reason.

Please subscribe to the new list if you wish to stay in the conversation:

But note:  the new list is for discussion only -- open-ended topics, not basic "how to" and "why doesn't this work" questions.  To get help with those, we've realized that the ideal forum is not a mailing list -- it's!  So, please post these types of questions -- questions which are not open-ended, but rather ought to have a specific, definitive answer -- at the following URL:

... and please use the "guava" tag.

We'll monitor these questions and answer them, but you can also help us answer them (and gain reputation points).  Subscribe to the following address in your feed reader to keep an eye on all the guava-tagged questions posted:

And the discussion list is also not the best place to post feature requests and bug reports; those go here:

Where-to-post summary:

  * How do I?  --  StackOverflow!
  * I got this error, why?  --  StackOverflow!
  * I got this error and I'm sure it's a bug  --  file an issue!
  * I have an idea/request  --  file an issue!
  * Why do you?  --  the mailing list!
  * When will you?  --  the mailing list!
  * You suck and I hate you  --  contact us privately at!
  * You're awesome  --  aw shucks!

Now that you've digested all this, you should go ahead and unsubscribe from the current list or lists you are receiving this on; otherwise you will continue to have this message sent and resent to you every few weeks.  Makes sense?

Sorry for all the trouble everyone!

Kevin Bourrillion @ Google
internal:  http://go/javalibraries

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