What kind of version conflict are you thinking of? 1.0 is going to lock down
the library for a long time, right?
It would be nice to have them together, but given that the Scala Compiler
sometimes generates binary incompatible class files between minor compiler
updates and that I intend to have Scoogle Collections support the 2.7.x and
2.8.x lines does suggest a separate package.
2.7.x and 2.8.x differ significantly in the collection classes and the Set and
Map interfaces that the wrappers would extend. It's like supporting a Python 2
and Python 3 package with the same functionality, same code, with minor differences.
Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
> If the projects are separate, we have problems keeping them in sync with
> each other, and even if we do our best, users can still end up with a
> version conflict.
> As I said before, I'm "open to the possibility", that's all.
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Jared Levy <
> <mailto:
jared....@gmail.com>> wrote:
> What's the advantage of that over Blair's proposal for a separate
> Scoogle Collections project?
> Having separate projects seems simpler and allows independent releases.
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Kevin Bourrillion
> <
kev...@google.com <mailto:
kev...@google.com>> wrote:
> Would it make more sense to put these in the /same/ package as
> the Java stuff, just in a different source root under /trunk/?
> e.g., trunk/scala/com/google/common/collect? It would be built
> using separate ant rules in build.xml -- it would not be part of
> the standard distribution of the library, but it'd be the next
> best thing.
> I'd still like to hear from a small number (>= 3?) of Scala
> developers that there's a consensus on how this should look and
> work.
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Blair Zajac <
> <mailto:
bl...@orcaware.com>> wrote:
> Great!
> So if there are Scala wrappers for other parts of Google
> Collections or Guava, is the plan for each to get a scala
> subpackage? Or what about com.google.common.scala.collect?
> That way a IO wrapper at
> <
http://com.google.common.scala.io> would be a neighboring
> package? I'm just asking, don't have an opinion on which
> would be better.
> How were you thinking of the managing the code? My thought
> was to start a new project, named Scoogle Collections, that
> would provide a separate jar file. It doesn't sound like
> you would want Scala code mixed into the Google Collections
> code since you'd need a Scala compiler plus the Scala is
> moving to 2.8.x which is significantly changing the
> collection library and I may provide 2.7.x and a 2.8.x versions.
> I have wrappers now around ImmutableSet,
> ImmutableSet.Builder, ImmutableMap and ImmutableMap.Builder,
> I'm just waiting for legal approval to put the code out.
> Regards,
> Blair
> Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
> I'm open to the possibility of adding a
> com.google.common.collect.scala to our project -- if
> you're open to contributing and maintaining it! Go
> ahead and polish up some initial ideas and share some
> code with the list. Hopefully, we can get some other
> Scala aficianados who are familiar with Google
> Collections to review it.
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Blair Zajac
> <
bl...@orcaware.com <mailto:
> <mailto:
bl...@orcaware.com <mailto: