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Google Collections Library: 1.0-final!

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Kevin Bourrillion

Dec 30, 2009, 2:09:18 PM12/30/09
to Google Collections Library - users list, Google Collections Library - developer list
"Final" stands for "Finally!"

One-point-oh is done-point-oh!  It's available here:

Mavenness should be ready within a few hours.

Caveats:  Note that this release does not include GWT support, and we reserve the right to change *serialized forms* of the objects if and when needed, so please DO NOT serialize these objects into a database and expect to deserialize them months later.

1.0-final is a direct promotion of release candidate 5 with no further changes.  However, if you're upgrading from an earlier RC, or even <shudder> a snapshot release :-), you must review the release notes carefully:

Everyone, thanks so much for putting up with our extreme chaos and instability over all these snapshots and release candidates so graciously.  You weathered the storm with us, and helped us to finalize a release that we are very, very proud of!  And now that chaos is OVER!

What's next:
* No more future development in the Google Collections Project per se
* All this code is now being imported into Guava (, in greatly expanded form! Stay tuned on this list.
* We stand by this API!  No source- or binary-incompatible changes will be permitted to these APIs under the Guava umbrella, except those that can be done via a (minimum) 18-month deprecation period.  Finally, you can relax and feel safe to depend on these classes and methods without fear!

Please check out the release and let me know any issues you have!


on behalf of Jared Levy, Chris Povirk, Hayward Chan, Charles Fry, Joshua Bloch, Crazy Bob Lee, Jesse Wilson, Mike Bostock and the countless dozens of others who have collaborated with us to design, build, document and test this library over the past... four years!

Kevin Bourrillion @ Google
internal:  http://go/javalibraries

Johan Van den Neste

Dec 31, 2009, 7:55:43 AM12/31/09
to Kevin Bourrillion, Google Collections Library - users list, Google Collections Library - developer list
Nice work! (and an early happy new year to all)

Johan Van den Neste

> --
> Google Collections Library - developer list
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Jan 1, 2010, 4:26:52 AM1/1/10
to Google Collections Library - users list
Thanks for that great work.
and Happy new year.

On Dec 30 2009, 10:09 pm, Kevin Bourrillion <> wrote:
> "Final" stands for "Finally!"
> One-point-oh is done-point-oh!  It's available here:
> Mavenness should be ready within a few hours.
> Caveats:  Note that this release does not include GWT support, and we
> reserve the right to change *serialized forms* of the objects if and when
> needed, so please DO NOT serialize these objects into a database and expect
> to deserialize them months later.
> 1.0-final is a direct promotion of release candidate 5 with no further
> changes.  However, if you're upgrading from an earlier RC, or even <shudder>

> a snapshot release :-), you *must* review the release notes carefully:

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