Data Migration cloud SQL in one project to another

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David Irivbogbe

Jan 4, 2022, 10:08:57 PM1/4/22
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

Please can anyone help with if it is possible Cloud SQL data migration from one project to another.

I have tried so many times and it keeps failing when transitioning to CDC with error:

Migration job new-db status changed from RUNNING, CDC in progress to FAILED, during CDC. Failure due to the following error: error code: 0, error message: error connecting to master 'root@:3306' - retry-time: 60 retries: 1 message: Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)
kind regards


Jan 5, 2022, 9:48:10 AM1/5/22
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

If the issue persists, I recommend you submit a question on stackoverflow[1]; or if you have the Premium Support you can create a ticket; and provide us with the full details of the Issue so that we would be able to provide you with the most appropriate answer.

Note that, Google Cloud Platform Groups are for general questions and discussions about GCP-end products and for reporting specific issues you should raise a ticket in the Issue Tracker[2].

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