Prevent planned downtime with maintenance deny periods

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Brett Hesterberg

2020年10月15日 12:25:112020/10/15
收件人 Google Cloud SQL announce
Routine database maintenance is a way of life. Updates keep your business running smoothly and securely. And with a managed service, like Cloud SQL, your databases automatically receive the latest patches and updates, with significantly less downtime. But we get it: Nobody likes downtime, no matter how brief. 

That's why we’re pleased to announce that Cloud SQL, our fully managed database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, now gives you more control over when your instances undergo routine maintenance.

Cloud SQL is introducing maintenance deny period controls. With maintenance deny periods, you can prevent automatic maintenance from occurring during a 90-day time period. 

This can be especially useful for the Cloud SQL retail customers about to kick off their busiest time of year, with Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner. This holiday shopping season is a time of peak load that requires heightened focus on infrastructure stability, and any upgrades can put that at risk. By setting a maintenance deny period from mid-October to mid-January, these businesses can prevent planned upgrades from Cloud SQL during this critical time.

Check out our Google Cloud blog post and online documentation for more information. 

The Cloud SQL Team
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