Where is the correct documentation for /apps, I mean /opt/apps?

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David Huggins-Daines

Jul 28, 2022, 6:14:33 PM7/28/22
to google-cloud-slurm-discuss
So, in dismay, I discover that I am stuck on CentOS 7 with Slurm-GCP.  Fine, I want to install singularity so that I can actually, like, run my software.  Either that or compile things manually (whoa... where is CMake 3?  where is *anything*?!) and have them distributed to the nodes when they are created.  Or maybe just install stuff in /home, fine.

I found this tutorial:

It seems to be woefully out of date!  I don't see /apps but actually /opt/apps.  That's fine.  I guess I have to create an "Environment Module" to actually use my app (this wasn't too clear if it was required or not).  It says to use Tcl (just let me set my time machine for 1995 so I can write some Tcl) but actually it appears the installed modules are using Lua.

So which is it?  Is there documentation somewhere?  How can I test my app?  Can I use singularity?  Will there ever be an image that uses something more modern than CentOS 7?  Could it maybe have singularity (I understand why Docker is a bad choice) installed by default?

Alex Chekholko

Jul 28, 2022, 6:24:50 PM7/28/22
to David Huggins-Daines, google-cloud-slurm-discuss
Hi David,

I think you will want to use the latest info from the github repo and the latest debian image referenced there.  And the rest you will need to discover once you boot up the image.


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