Deployment broke over the weekend.

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Jeff Gold

Aug 16, 2016, 10:34:14 AM8/16/16
to google-cloud-sdk
I can no longer push my build through gcoud preview app deploy.. i get the following error. last build i pushed was august 9th and it worked fine for 3 or 4 days.

uploads/: token auth attempt for registry:
sh%2Cpull& request failed with status: 400 Bad Request
ERROR: push attempt 10 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
ERROR: failed to push because we ran out of retries.
95002:latest": exit status 1
ERROR: ( Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build
 logs for details

In addition the previously deployed builds that were working now no longer work. I just get a server error when i hit the site and no app engine instances get started. I am really confused and cant seem to find any information in the logs.


Zachary Newman

Aug 16, 2016, 10:37:26 AM8/16/16
to Jeff Gold, Google Cloud Developers

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Jeff Gold

Aug 16, 2016, 4:58:01 PM8/16/16
to google-cloud-sdk
Here is the log file. The application build fine then fails on the push.

2016-08-16 10:42:26,496 DEBUG    root            Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'app']
2016-08-16 10:42:26,726 DEBUG    root            Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'app', 'deploy']
2016-08-16 10:42:26,727 DEBUG    root            Running with Namespace(__calliope_internal_deepest_parser=ArgumentParser(prog='', usage=None, description='Deploy the local code and/or configuration of your app to App Engine.', version=None, formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, conflict_handler='error', add_help=False), account=None, authority_selector=None, authorization_token_file=None, bucket=None, calliope_command=<googlecloudsdk.calliope.backend.Command object at 0x032EE2F0>, command_path=['gcloud', 'app', 'deploy'], configuration=None, credential_file_override=None, deployables=[], docker_build=None, document=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, http_timeout=None, ignore_bad_certs=False, image_url=None, log_http=None, project=None, promote=None, quiet=None, server=None, stop_previous_version=None, trace_email=None, trace_log=None, trace_token=None, user_output_enabled=None, verbosity=None, version=None).
2016-08-16 10:42:26,729 WARNING  root            Automatic app detection is currently in Beta
2016-08-16 10:42:26,757 DEBUG    root            API endpoint: [], API version: [v1beta5]
2016-08-16 10:42:26,762 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ You are about to deploy the following services:

2016-08-16 10:42:26,763 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___  - lep-prototype/default/20160816t104226 (from [C:\dev\lep\lep\app.yaml])
     Deployed URL: []

2016-08-16 10:42:28,085 DEBUG    root            No bucket specified, retrieving default bucket.
2016-08-16 10:42:29,345 DEBUG    root            Using bucket [gs://].
2016-08-16 10:42:29,345 DEBUG    root            Host:
2016-08-16 10:42:29,355 DEBUG _Authenticate configuring auth; needs_auth=False
2016-08-16 10:42:29,355 DEBUG Sending request to headers={'X-appcfg-api-version': '1', 'content-length': '0', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} body=
2016-08-16 10:42:29,355 INFO     oauth2client.client Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
2016-08-16 10:42:29,355 INFO     oauth2client.client Refreshing access_token
2016-08-16 10:42:32,098 DEBUG    root            Got response: {bucket:, path: /containers}

2016-08-16 10:42:32,099 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ 

2016-08-16 10:42:32,877 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Beginning deployment of service [default]...

2016-08-16 10:42:32,878 WARNING  root            Deployment of App Engine Flexible Environment apps is currently in Beta
2016-08-16 10:42:32,880 INFO     root            Not checking for [Custom] because runtime is [nodejs]
2016-08-16 10:42:32,881 INFO     root            Not checking for [Go] because runtime is [nodejs]
2016-08-16 10:42:32,881 INFO     root            Not checking for [Ruby] because runtime is [nodejs]
2016-08-16 10:42:32,951 INFO     root            Checking for Node.js.
2016-08-16 10:42:32,953 INFO     root            node version is ~4.2
2016-08-16 10:42:33,108 DEBUG    root            Could not call git with args ('config', '--get-regexp', 'remote\\.(.*)\\.url'): Command '['git', 'config', '--get-regexp', 'remote\\.(.*)\\.url']' returned non-zero exit status 1
2016-08-16 10:42:33,108 INFO     root            Could not find any remote repositories associated with [C:\dev\lep\lep]. Cloud diagnostic tools may not be able to display the correct source code for this deployment.
2016-08-16 10:42:33,108 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Building and pushing image for service [default]

2016-08-16 10:42:33,108 WARNING  root            No configuration information provided by runtime [nodejs].
2016-08-16 10:42:33,220 INFO     root            Writing [Dockerfile] to [C:\dev\lep\lep].
2016-08-16 10:42:33,220 INFO     root            Writing [.dockerignore] to [C:\dev\lep\lep].
2016-08-16 10:43:14,142 INFO     root            Uploading [c:\users\jeff\appdata\local\temp\tmp5wweq8\src.tgz] to []
2016-08-16 10:43:35,290 DEBUG    root            Using builder image: []
2016-08-16 10:43:36,976 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Started cloud build [ab637cb4-501e-4131-a9eb-6e52318a739b].

2016-08-16 10:43:37,125 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:38,397 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:38,513 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:39,592 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:39,760 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:41,016 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 4374 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:41,017 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ ----------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT ------------------------------

2016-08-16 10:43:41,019 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ starting build "ab637cb4-501e-4131-a9eb-6e52318a739b"

Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      0 B/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      72 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      144 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      216 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      288 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      360 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      432 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      504 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      576 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      648 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      720 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      792 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      928 KiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.04 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.17 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.3 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.44 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.57 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.7 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.84 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.97 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      2.1 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      2.23 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      2.49 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      2.75 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      3.01 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      3.27 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      3.52 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      3.78 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      4.04 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      4.3 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      4.55 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      4.81 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      5.07 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      5.58 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      6.09 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      6.59 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      7.1 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      7.61 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      8.12 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      8.63 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      9.13 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      9.64 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      10.15 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      10.66 MiB/10.69 MiB    
Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      10.69 MiB/10.69 MiB    

2016-08-16 10:43:41,197 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:42,328 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 69 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:42,328 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ BUILD
Already have image (with digest):

2016-08-16 10:43:42,440 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:43,897 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 240 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:43,897 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.9 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.9 kB

 ---> 86740c7dbc0f
Step 2 : RUN /usr/local/bin/install_node '~4.2'
 ---> Running in 70349c9d6945

2016-08-16 10:43:44,055 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:45,496 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 25 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:45,496 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Installed Node.js v4.2.6

2016-08-16 10:43:45,611 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:46,739 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 86 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:46,740 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___  ---> 45aac596dfbf
Removing intermediate container 70349c9d6945
Step 3 : COPY . /app/

2016-08-16 10:43:46,875 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:48,026 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 64 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:48,026 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___  ---> 56307baeca17
Removing intermediate container bfa0e09722c8

2016-08-16 10:43:48,176 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:49,315 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 514 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:49,315 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ Step 4 : RUN npm install --unsafe-perm ||   ((if [ -f npm-debug.log ]; then       cat npm-debug.log;     fi) && false)
 ---> Running in ae8ee07e391d
[91mnpm [0m [91m [0m [91mWARN [0m [91m [0m [91mdeprecated [0m [91m ja...@1.11.0: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
[0m [91mnpm [0m [91m [0m [91mWARN [0m [91m [0m [91mdeprecated [0m [91m gcl...@0.30.3: gcloud has been renamed to google-cloud. To get new features and bug fixes, you must use the new package.

2016-08-16 10:43:49,466 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:50,553 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:50,663 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:51,755 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:51,913 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:53,059 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 124 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:43:53,059 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ [0m [91mnpm [0m [91m [0m [91mWARN [0m [91m [0m [91mdeprecated [0m [91m transf...@2.1.0: Deprecated, use jstransformer

2016-08-16 10:43:53,174 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:54,257 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:54,398 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:55,489 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:55,611 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:56,707 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:56,844 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:57,936 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:58,091 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:43:59,181 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:43:59,342 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:00,443 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:00,558 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:01,648 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:01,812 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:02,921 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:03,038 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:04,138 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:04,252 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:05,336 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:05,489 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:06,586 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:06,726 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:07,819 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:07,938 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:09,030 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:09,141 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:10,335 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 162 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:10,335 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ [0m
> sse4_...@5.1.1 install /app/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/hash-stream-validation/node_modules/fast-crc32c/node_modules/sse4_crc32
> node-gyp rebuild

2016-08-16 10:44:10,480 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:11,595 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:11,752 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:12,865 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 208 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:12,865 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ make: Entering directory '/app/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/hash-stream-validation/node_modules/fast-crc32c/node_modules/sse4_crc32/build'
  CXX(target) Release/

2016-08-16 10:44:12,996 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:14,335 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 134 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:14,336 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___   AR(target) Release/
  COPY Release/crc32c_sse42.a
  CXX(target) Release/

2016-08-16 10:44:14,470 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:15,630 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 232 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:15,630 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___   SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
  COPY Release/sse4_crc32.node
make: Leaving directory '/app/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/hash-stream-validation/node_modules/fast-crc32c/node_modules/sse4_crc32/build'

2016-08-16 10:44:15,776 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:16,864 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:16,983 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:18,078 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:18,209 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:19,299 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:19,473 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:20,575 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:20,737 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:21,903 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 110 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:21,903 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ 
> gr...@0.13.1 install /app/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/grpc
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

2016-08-16 10:44:22,015 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:28,825 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 126 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:28,825 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ [grpc] Success: "/app/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/grpc_node.node" is installed via remote

2016-08-16 10:44:28,944 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:30,078 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 5879 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:30,079 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ body-...@1.15.2 node_modules/body-parser
├── conten...@1.0.2
├── by...@2.4.0
├── de...@1.1.0
├── q...@6.2.0
├── on-fi...@2.3.0 (ee-f...@1.1.1)
├── raw-...@2.1.7 (unp...@1.0.0)
├── http-...@1.5.0 (setprot...@1.0.1, inhe...@2.0.1, stat...@1.3.0)
├── iconv...@0.4.13
├── de...@2.2.0 (m...@0.7.1)
└── typ...@1.6.13 (media...@0.3.0, mime-...@2.1.11)

exp...@4.14.0 node_modules/express
├── conten...@1.0.2
├── escap...@1.0.3
├── array-...@1.1.1
├── cookie-s...@1.0.6
├── utils...@1.0.0
├── merge-de...@1.0.1
├── enco...@1.0.1
├── met...@1.1.2
├── fr...@0.3.0
├── range-...@1.2.0
├── pars...@1.3.1
├── va...@1.1.0
├── content-d...@0.5.1
├── et...@1.7.0
├── coo...@0.3.1
├── path-to...@0.1.7
├── serve-...@1.11.1
├── de...@1.1.0
├── q...@6.2.0
├── on-fi...@2.3.0 (ee-f...@1.1.1)
├── finalh...@0.5.0 (unp...@1.0.0, stat...@1.3.0)
├── de...@2.2.0 (m...@0.7.1)
├── proxy...@1.1.2 (forw...@0.1.0, ipad...@1.1.1)
├── typ...@1.6.13 (media...@0.3.0, mime-...@2.1.11)
├── se...@0.14.1 (des...@1.0.4, stat...@1.3.0, m...@0.7.1, mi...@1.3.4, http-...@1.5.0)
└── acc...@1.3.3 (negot...@0.6.1, mime-...@2.1.11)

expre...@1.0.0 node_modules/express-ws
└── w...@1.1.1 (opt...@0.0.6, ult...@1.0.2)

my...@2.11.1 node_modules/mysql
├── sqls...@2.0.1
├── bignum...@2.3.0
└── readabl...@1.1.14 (string_...@0.10.31, isa...@0.0.1, inhe...@2.0.1, core-u...@1.0.2)

nodem...@2.5.0 node_modules/nodemailer
├── so...@1.1.9 (i...@1.1.3, smart-...@1.0.11)
├── nodemail...@1.0.5 (nodemail...@1.4.0)
├── lib...@2.0.3 (li...@1.1.0, libb...@0.1.0, iconv...@0.4.13)
├── mailco...@3.10.0 (buil...@3.8.0)
├── nodemailer-s...@2.6.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
├── nodemailer...@2.7.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
└── nodemailer-di...@3.2.0 (smtp-co...@2.8.0)

mul...@1.2.0 node_modules/multer
├── object...@3.0.0
├── append...@0.1.0
├── xt...@4.0.1
├── on-fi...@2.3.0 (ee-f...@1.1.1)
├── typ...@1.6.13 (media...@0.3.0, mime-...@2.1.11)
├── mkd...@0.5.1 (mini...@0.0.8)
├── concat...@1.5.1 (inhe...@2.0.1, typed...@0.0.6, readabl...@2.0.6)
└── bus...@0.2.13 (readabl...@1.1.14, di...@0.2.5)

req...@2.74.0 node_modules/request
├── tunnel...@0.4.3
├── aws-...@0.6.0
├── oauth...@0.8.2
├── foreve...@0.6.1
├── is-typ...@1.0.0
├── case...@0.11.0
├── string...@0.0.5
├── aw...@1.4.1
├── isst...@0.1.2
├── json-stri...@5.0.1
├── ext...@3.0.0
├── tough-...@2.3.1
├── q...@6.2.1
├── node...@1.4.7
├── combine...@1.0.5 (delayed...@1.0.0)
├── mime-...@2.1.11 (mim...@1.23.0)
├── form...@1.0.0-rc4 (as...@1.5.2)
├── b...@1.1.2 (readabl...@2.0.6)
├── ha...@3.1.3 (cryp...@2.0.5, bo...@2.10.1, sn...@1.0.9, ho...@2.16.3)
├── http-si...@1.1.1 (asser...@0.2.0, jsp...@1.3.0, ss...@1.9.2)
└── har-va...@2.0.6 (pinkie-...@2.0.1, comm...@2.9.0, ch...@1.1.3, is-my-js...@2.13.1)

pro...@0.2.14 node_modules/prompt
├── reval...@0.1.8
├── pkg...@0.4.0
├── re...@1.0.7 (mute-...@0.0.6)
├── win...@0.8.3 (cy...@1.0.3, as...@0.2.10, stack...@0.0.9, isst...@0.1.2, ey...@0.1.8, col...@0.6.2, pkg...@0.3.1)
└── ut...@0.2.1 (as...@0.2.10, deep-...@1.0.1, n...@0.4.2, i...@0.3.5, mkd...@0.5.1, rim...@2.5.4)

ja...@1.11.0 node_modules/jade
├── comm...@2.6.0
├── characte...@1.2.1
├── void-e...@2.0.1
├── mkd...@0.5.1 (mini...@0.0.8)
├── jstran...@0.0.2 (is-pr...@2.1.0, pro...@6.1.0)
├── constan...@3.0.2 (ac...@2.7.0)
├── wi...@4.0.3 (ac...@1.2.2, acorn-...@1.0.9)
├── clea...@3.4.19 (comm...@2.8.1, sourc...@0.4.4)
├── transf...@2.1.0 (pro...@2.0.0, c...@1.0.8, ugli...@2.2.5)
└── ugli...@2.7.1 (as...@0.2.10, uglify-to-...@1.0.2, sourc...@0.5.6, ya...@3.10.0)

gcl...@0.30.3 node_modules/gcloud
├── rgb...@1.0.0
├── prop-...@1.0.0
├── prop...@0.3.1
├── string-f...@1.1.0
├── arr...@1.0.1
├── meth...@1.1.0
├── retry-...@1.3.1
├── array...@1.0.3
├── as...@1.5.2
├── i...@3.1.0
├── ext...@3.0.0
├── e...@2.2.0
├── dns-zo...@0.1.18
├── mod...@4.2.0
├── on...@1.3.3 (wra...@1.0.2)
├── mime-...@2.1.11 (mim...@1.23.0)
├── create-er...@2.0.1 (capture-s...@1.0.0, inhe...@2.0.1)
├── stream...@1.0.1 (st...@1.1.2)
├── split-arr...@1.0.0 (is-stre...@0.1.0)
├── sn...@0.0.1 (term-...@0.0.5)
├── concat...@1.5.1 (inhe...@2.0.1, typed...@0.0.6, readabl...@2.0.6)
├── pum...@1.3.5 (inhe...@2.0.1, pu...@1.0.1)
├── thro...@2.0.1 (xt...@4.0.1, readabl...@2.0.6)
├── google-pr...@0.1.1
├── dupl...@3.4.5 (inhe...@2.0.1, end-of...@1.0.0, stream...@1.0.0, readabl...@2.1.4)
├── JSONS...@1.1.4 (thr...@2.3.8, json...@1.2.0)
├── gcs-resuma...@0.4.3 (buffer...@0.0.1, confi...@1.4.0)
├── hash-stream...@0.1.3 (fast-...@1.0.4)
├── google-a...@0.2.4 (object...@3.0.0, google-au...@0.9.8)
├── gce-i...@0.2.3 (object...@3.0.0, g...@4.2.0, google-a...@0.1.1)
└── gr...@0.13.1 (n...@2.4.0, lod...@3.10.1, proto...@4.1.3)

2016-08-16 10:44:30,286 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:31,473 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 117 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:31,473 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___  ---> 05eeaccb3fd2
Removing intermediate container ae8ee07e391d
Step 5 : CMD npm start
 ---> Running in a2b5512a3d7d

2016-08-16 10:44:31,619 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:32,812 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 3793 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:32,812 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___  ---> f4657577653d
Removing intermediate container a2b5512a3d7d
Successfully built f4657577653d
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 1 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 2 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 3 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 4 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 5 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 6 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 7 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)

2016-08-16 10:44:32,960 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:34,131 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 1607 bytes)
2016-08-16 10:44:34,131 INFO     ___FILE_ONLY___ f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 8 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 9 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
f4657577653d: Preparing
ERROR: push attempt 10 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error
ERROR: failed to push because we ran out of retries.
ERROR: error pushing image "": exit status 1

2016-08-16 10:44:34,289 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] not complete. Waiting 1s.
2016-08-16 10:44:35,372 DEBUG    root            Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
2016-08-16 10:44:35,546 DEBUG    root            Operation [operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT] complete. Result: {
    "metadata": {
        "build": {
            "finishTime": "2016-08-16T14:44:34.173003Z", 
            "status": "FAILURE", 
            "timeout": "600.000s", 
            "startTime": "2016-08-16T14:43:37.462829Z", 
            "logsBucket": "", 
            "results": {}, 
            "id": "ab637cb4-501e-4131-a9eb-6e52318a739b", 
            "source": {
                "storageSource": {
                    "object": "", 
                    "bucket": ""
            "steps": [
                    "args": [
                    "name": ""
            "sourceProvenance": {
                "resolvedStorageSource": {
                    "generation": "1471358615244709", 
                    "object": "", 
                    "bucket": ""
            "projectId": "lep-prototype", 
            "images": [
            "createTime": "2016-08-16T14:43:35.582785Z", 
    "done": true, 
    "name": "operations/build/lep-prototype/YWI2MzdjYjQtNTAxZS00MTMxLWE5ZWItNmU1MjMxOGE3MzliOlVT", 
    "error": {
        "message": "Build failed; check build logs for details", 
        "code": 2
2016-08-16 10:44:35,548 DEBUG    root            ( Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\calliope\", line 719, in Execute
    result = args.calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args)
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\calliope\", line 1404, in Run
    resources = command_instance.Run(args)
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\surface\app\", line 57, in Run
    return deploy_util.RunDeploy(self, args)
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\command_lib\app\", line 194, in RunDeploy
    project, service, version, code_bucket_ref)
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\api_lib\app\", line 168, in BuildAndPushDockerImage
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\api_lib\app\", line 181, in ExecuteCloudBuild
  File "C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\api_lib\app\api\", line 70, in WaitForOperation
OperationError: Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details
2016-08-16 10:44:35,568 ERROR    root            ( Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details

Zachary Newman

Aug 17, 2016, 10:08:48 AM8/17/16
to Jeff Gold, Google Cloud Developers -> BCC

Please direct questions of this nature to in the future.

├── nodemailer-smtp-transport@2.6.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
├── nodemailer...@2.7.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
└── nodemailer-direct-transport@3.2.0 (smtp-co...@2.8.0)

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Aug 19, 2016, 9:46:05 AM8/19/16
to google-cloud-sdk
Hey Jeff,

The output seems to show errors when attempting to run the following request:

ERROR: push attempt 1 detected failure, retrying: 500 Internal Server Error

It tries 10 times and gives up. I found a Stack Overflow post which appears to show a similar symptom. Could you check whether the same situation and solution apply to your case? 


Cloud Platform Community Support
├── nodemailer-smtp-transport@2.6.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
├── nodemailer...@2.7.0 (nodemailer...@0.1.10, smtp-co...@2.8.0)
└── nodemailer-direct-transport@3.2.0 (smtp-co...@2.8.0)
Reply all
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