Google Cloud CLI 484.0.0 is now available

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Nathan Looney

Jul 16, 2024, 9:18:19 PM (5 hours ago) Jul 16
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 484.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 484.0.0 (2024-07-16)

### Breaking Changes

*   **(GKE Hub)** `gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials` now requires the
    permission `gkehub.gateway.generateCredentials` (automatically included in
    roles `gkehub.gatewayReader`, `gkehub.gatewayEditor`, and
    `gkehub.gatewayAdmin`), as well as network access to

### AlloyDB

* Added `--node-ids` flag to `gcloud alloydb instances restart` command in the
alpha and beta tracks. This flag allows users to allow users to specify a
comma-separated list of read pool node IDs to perform the restart on. Without
specifying this flag, every node in the read pool will be restarted.

### App Engine

* Removed Google App Engine PHP 5/5 support.

* Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.29 build from the open source project

### Artifact Registry

* Fixed error codes for `gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate`.

### Batch

* Fixed the `--filter` flag of `gcloud batch list` command to match `gcloud topic filters` syntax.

### BigQuery

* Added support for non-ASCII characters in the field mask when updating Connections.
* Added support for `configuration.authentication.profile_id` in the field mask when updating Connections.
* Fixed a bug where `bq init` would be called even when `--use_google_auth` is specified.

### Cloud Build

* Add support in `gcloud builds worker-pools` commands for default region set in config.

### Cloud Data Fusion

* Added three new optional arguments to `gcloud beta data-fusion instances create` command:
   * `--maintenance-window-start`
   * `--maintenance-window-end`
   * `--maintenance-window-recurrence`
   * These arguments allow users to specify the start time, end time, and recurrence of the maintenance window for their Data Fusion instance.
* Add four new optional arguments to `gcloud beta data-fusion instances update` command:
   * `--maintenance-window-start`
   * `--maintenance-window-end`
   * `--maintenance-window-recurrence`
   * `--clear-maintenance-window`
   * These arguments allow users to update maintenance window for their Data Fusion instance by specifying the start time, end time, and recurrence, or clear the maintenance window using `--clear-maintenance-window`.

### Cloud Run

* Allows `--revision-suffix` to be specified with empty string to clear
  client-set revision naming.

### Cloud SQL

* Added `--[no-]enable-dataplex-integration` flag to
    `gcloud sql instances create` and `gcloud sql instances patch` to support
    Dataplex Integration for Cloud SQL.
* Added support for MySQL 8.4.

### Cloud Spanner

* Promoted `--type=DATABASE_CHANGE_QUORUM` option in `gcloud spanner
operations list` to GA.
* Fixed the DATABASE_CHANGE_QUORUM type filter string in `gcloud spanner operations list`.

### Cloud Workstations

* Adding `disable_ssl_validation` support for `workstations start-tcp-tunnel`
and `workstations ssh`.

### Compute Engine

* Added `gcloud compute routers add-route-policy-term` which adds policy term to a Route Policy in Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers add-route-policy-term` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers update-route-policy-term` which updates policy term in a Route Policy in Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers update-route-policy-term` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy-term` which removes policy term from Route Policy in Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy-term` to beta.
* Fixed a bug in `gcloud beta compute ssh` where a third-party identity subject bearing an '@' sign wouldn't be URL-escaped in the way the OS Login API expects, causing spurious rejection.
* Promoted support of flags to `--detection-load-threshold`,
`detection-absolute-qps`, `detection-relative-to-baseline-qps`, and
`traffic-granularity-configs` in
`gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config` to

### Dataproc Metastore

* Promoted `--min-scaling-factor`, `--max-scaling-factor`, and `--autoscaling-enabled` flag of `gcloud metastore services create` and `gcloud metastore services update` to GA.

### Distributed Cloud Edge

* Added `--offline-reboot-ttl` flag to `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create` and `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update` commands. This flag specifies the maximum duration a node can reboot offline (without connection to Google) and then rejoin its cluster to resume its designated workloads.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Added flag option `--addons=RayOperator` to enable/disable the Ray Operator addon
for GKE Standard clusters.
* Added flag `--[no]-enable-ray-operator` to enable/disable the Ray Operator
addon for GKE Autopilot clusters.
* Added flag `--[no]-enable-ray-cluster-logging` to enable/disable automatic
log collection for Ray clusters when the Ray Operator addon is enabled.
* Added flag `--[no]-enable-ray-cluster-monitoring` to enable/disable automatic
metrics collection for Ray clusters when the Ray Operator addon is enabled.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.

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Nathan A. Looney
Software Engineer
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