Google Cloud CLI 462.0.0 is now available

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Jan 30, 2024, 3:49:39 PMJan 30
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 462.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 462.0.0 (2024-01-30)

### Google Cloud CLI

* Updated linux bundled python for the `gcloud` CLI to 3.11.7.
* Updated `pip` package to version 23.3.2.

### Binauthz

*  Updated `gcloud container binauthz attestations create` and `sign-and-create`
   to make `--attestor` optional, allowing creation of attestations on a
   specified `--note`. Note that `--validate` can only be used with `--attestor`.

### Cloud Asset Inventory

* Promoted Cloud assets analysis commands `gcloud asset analyze-org-policies`, `gcloud asset analyze-org-policy-governed-containers` and `gcloud asset analyze-org-policy-governed-assets` to GA.

### Cloud DNS

* Added support to allow importing RecordSets with routing policies from YAML.

### Cloud Dataflow

* Added dataflow yaml command `gcloud beta dataflow yaml run`.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

* Promoted `--message-storage-policy-enforce-in-transit` flag of
  `gcloud pubsub topics create` and `gcloud pubsub topics update` to GA. This
  allows users to enable enforcement for in-transit guarantees.

### Cloud Run

* Reverted regionalized builds for Cloud Run source deploys.
* Add `--service-account` flag to specify deployment service account for Cloud Run integrations deployments.

### Cloud SQL

* Added support for parallel import and export.

### Cloud Speech API

* Added `telephony` and `telephony_short` options for
  `gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model` flag.

### Cloud TPU

* Promoted `--queue-count` flag of `gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create` to GA.

### Cloud Workflows

* Added `--disable-concurrency-quota-overflow-buffering` flag to
`gcloud workflows execute` to avoid backlogging the execution when the
concurrency quota is exhausted.

### Compute Engine

* Promoted `gcloud compute networks subnet --reserved-internal-ranges` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute networks subnet --secondary-range_with-reserved-internal-ranges` to GA.

### Database Migration

* Added `gcloud database-migration migration-job demote-destination` which allows
  demoting the destination of a migration job.
* Added `alloydb-cluster` flag to `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles` to
  allow creating connection profiles that link to existing AlloyDB clusters.

### Distributed Cloud Edge

* Added `--offline-credential` flags to `gcloud edge-cloud container
clusters get-credentials` command to retrieve the credential used under
disconnectivity to Google.
* Added `--release-channel` argument to `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update` to allow updating release channel for local control plane clusters.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Promoted `--enable-fqdn-network-policy` flag to `gcloud container clusters create` and `gcloud container clusters update`.

### Security Command Center

* Renamed `gcloud alpha scc securityposture-operations` command group to `gcloud alpha scc posture-operations`.
* Also, promoted the above renamed command group `gcloud alpha scc posture-operations` to GA as `gcloud scc posture-operations`.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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