Google Cloud CLI 456.0.0 is now available

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Dec 5, 2023, 7:38:18 PM12/5/23
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 456.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 456.0.0 (2023-12-05)

### Breaking Changes

*   **(AlloyDB)** Modified `gcloud alloydb instances update` to be asynchronous by default. Use
*   **(AlloyDB)** `--no-async` flag to get the old behavior.

### Google Cloud CLI

* Updated `gcloud` CLI to support Python v3.11 and v3.12.

### AlloyDB

* Added support for specifying `--database-version` in `clusters create` command in GA track.

### Anthos

* Support new flag `server` for `gcloud anthos auth login` command.
* 'server' flag obviates the need to download login-config file.

### Anthos Multi-Cloud

*   Added `--proxy-secret-name` and `--proxy-secret-namespace` flags to
    `gcloud container attached clusters import` to configure an HTTP/HTTPS
    proxy for outbound traffic.
*   Promoted `--max-surge-update` and `--max-unavailable-update` flags to GA
    (General Availability) for `gcloud container aws node-pools create` and
    `gcloud container aws node-pools update` commands. These flags let you
    specify or modify surge update parameters during node pool creation and

### App Engine

* Added `gcloud beta app runtimes list --environment=standard` which displays the supported runtimes for App Engine Standard.

### Artifact Registry

* Added `domain` as a config option to use a different domain endpoint for `artifacts docker`.

### BigQuery

* Added python 3.12 support.
* Added support for `kms_key_name` to connections.
* Added concurrent requests when looking up IAM information.
* Added support to show replica table information.
* Updated quotes library used.
* Fixed bug in `cp` to ensure all regions are being checked.
* Ensured `bq ls -p` only displays the first page of results by default to
 align with other list methods.
* Added messaging for DDL statements modifying vector indexes.
* Improved error messaging for tag updates.
* Added improved error messaging when project lookups are aborted.

### Certificate Manager

* Added command `certificate-manager trust-configs create`.

### Cloud Backup DR

* Promoted `gcloud backup-dr` command group which includes `gcloud backup-dr management-servers`, `gcloud backup-dr locations` and `gcloud backup-dr operations` to GA.

### Cloud Datastore

* Updated `gcloud datastore operations list` to respect a `--limit` set to >100.

### Cloud Domains

* Added support for disabling and enabling automatic renewal of domains using the Cloud Domains `gcloud domains registrations configure management` method (with the `preferred-renewal-method` flag or in the interactive flow).

### Cloud Firestore

* Updated `gcloud firestore operations list` to respect a `--limit` set to >100.

### Cloud Healthcare

* Added `gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores metrics` which allows users to retrieve
  metrics associated with a HL7v2 store.

### Cloud NetApp

* Removed netapp/region as a property since netapp/location can be either region or zone depending on SO or PO.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

*   Fix missing error message for commands under `gcloud pubsub`.

### Cloud Run

* Added the information of whether the job to be deleted has running executions
  to the confirm message of `gcloud run jobs delete`.
* Regionalize builds for Cloud Run source deploys.

### Cloud Services

*  Promoted `gcloud services api-keys create` to GA.
*  Promoted `gcloud services api-keys delete` to GA.
*  Promoted `gcloud services api-keys get-key-string` to GA.
*  Promoted `gcloud services api-keys update` to GA.

### Cloud TPU

* Promoted `--update-metadata`, `--clear-metadata`, `--remove-metadata` and
  `--metadata-from-file` flags of `gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update` to GA.

### Cloud Workstations

*   Added `--enable-audit-agent` flag to `workstations configs create` and `workstations configs update`.

### Compute Engine

* Promoted `--confidential-compute-type` flag of `gcloud compute instance create` to beta.
* Promoted flag `--user-ip-request-headers` of `gcloud compute security-policies update` to GA.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud compute ssh` and `gcloud compute scp` commands would
  fail on Windows when PuTTY prompted in certain situations, such as when using
  `--plain` or when connecting to an instance with OS Login 2FA enabled.
* Fixed crash in `gcloud compute diagnose routes` when specifying
* Promoted `location` flag for `gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port` to beta.
* Promoted `--type` flag of `gcloud compute routers nats create` to GA.
* Promoted `--source-nat-active-ranges`, `--source-nat-active-ranges-region`, `--source-nat-drain-ranges`, `--clear-source-nat-drain-ranges` and `--source-nat-drain-ranges-region` flags of `gcloud compute routers nats rule update` to GA.
* Promoted `--source-nat-active-ranges` and `--source-nat-active-ranges-region` flags of `gcloud compute routers nats rule create` to GA.
* Promoted new allowed value: `PRIVATE_NAT` for `--purpose` flag of `gcloud compute networks subnets create` to GA.
* Promoted new `:ALL` range option for subnets passed to `--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges` flag of `gcloud compute routers nats (create|update)` to GA.

### Compute Firewall Rules

* Added `--export-terraform-script` flag to
  `gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate` to prepare a terraform script for migrated Network Firewall Policy.
* Added `disabled` column to default view of `gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls` and `gcloud compute network-firewall-policies get-effective-firewalls`.

### Database Migration

* Updated `gcloud database-migration` to show error details on command failure when used with `--no-async` flag.
* Adding support for choosing Alloy DB database version using `--database-version` flag in `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create alloydb`.

### GKE Hub

* Promoted `gcloud container fleet dataplane-v2-encryption {describe, disable, enable}` to GA.
* Added property `pod-affinity` to `gcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment set` and `gcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment remove` so that users can configure high availability on Policy Controller deployments.
* Added `--binauthz-evaluation-mode` flag to `gcloud container fleet create`, `gcloud container fleet update` in alpha, beta and GA track.
* Added `--binauthz-evaluation-mode` flag to `gcloud container hub create`, `gcloud container hub update` in alpha, beta and GA track.
* Added `--binauthz-policy-bindings` flag to `gcloud container fleet create`, `gcloud container fleet update` in alpha, beta and GA track.
* Added `--binauthz-policy-bindings` flag to `gcloud container hub create`, `gcloud container hub update` in alpha, beta and GA track.

### Kpt

* Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.47 to v1.0.0-beta.48. See <> for more details.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Added `--enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability` and `--disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability`
  flags for toggling DPv2 Flow Observability feature.

### Network Security

* Add `--billing-project` required flag to `gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints create` command to provide Google Cloud project ID for API enablement check, quota, and endpoint uptime billing.
* Add `--update-billing-project` flag to `gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update` command to update the Google Cloud project used for API enablement check, quota, and endpoint uptime billing.

### Recaptcha

* Support creating Fastly enabled site keys using `recaptcha keys create --waf-service=cloudfare`.

### Regional Endpoints

* Unhid `regional-endpoints` as a subgroup of `gcloud beta networkconnectivity`.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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