Google Cloud CLI 415.0.0 is now available

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Jan 24, 2023, 3:13:12 PM1/24/23
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 415.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 415.0.0 (2023-01-24)

### Google Cloud CLI

* Global `--format` flag now respects the `core/default_format` property when
   `--format=default`. If `core/default_format` is not set, then `default` format
   is `yaml`.

### AI

* Modified `--region` flag of `gcloud ai endpoints` to include new online
  prediction regions.
* Modified `--region` flag of `gcloud ai models` to include new online
  prediction regions.
* Added `--enable-dashboard-access` flag to `gcloud ai custom-jobs create` and
  `gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs create` to allow the access to the dashboard specified in
  custom container.

### BigQuery

* Added support for using the `auth/impersonate_service_account` property in
`bq` commands.

### Cloud Build

* Added command groups for managing connections and repositories: `gcloud beta builds connections` and `gcloud beta builds repositories`.

### Cloud Dataproc

* Added `gcloud dataproc node-groups` group with commands: `describe` and `resize`.
* Added `--driver-pool-${X}` flags to `gcloud dataproc clusters create`.

### Cloud Firestore

* Added `--database` flag to `gcloud firestore operations` to add database
    support for Firestore operations.

### Cloud On Demand Scanning

*   Fixed issue with extracting packages from Go binaries built with newer
    versions of to the Go toolchain.

### Cloud Org Policy

* Added `--update-mask` to `gcloud org-policies set-policy` to specify the fields to be overwritten in the policy.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

*   Added `gcloud pubsub schemas commit` to commit a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
*   Added `gcloud pubsub schemas rollback` to roll back a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
*   Added `gcloud pubsub schemas delete-revision` to delete a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
*   Added `gcloud pubsub schemas list-revisions` to list all revisions for a Pub/Sub schema.
*   Added `--first-revision-id` and `--last-revision-id` flags to `gcloud pubsub topics create` to create schema settings for Pub/Sub topics.
*   Added `--clear-schema-settings`, `--schema`, `--message-encoding`, `--first-revision-id` and `--last-revision-id` flags to `gcloud pubsub topics update` to update schema settings for a Pub/Sub topic.

### Cloud SQL

*   Promoted `gcloud sql users describe` command to beta.

### Compute Engine

* Added `--update-policy-<type|max-unavailable|max-surge|minimal-action|most-disrtuptive-action|replacement-method>` flags of `gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create|update>` to GA.
* Added `--update-policy-min-ready` flag of `gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create|update>` to beta.
*  Added `--enforce-on-key-configs` flag to `gcloud beta compute security-policies rules create` and `gcloud beta compute security-policies rules update`.

### Dataproc Metastore

* Promoted `gcloud metastore services import` flag `--dump-type` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud metastore services export` flag `--dump-type` to GA.

### Declarative Workflows

*  Make `--storage-path`,  `--resource-types`  and `--resource-types-file`
   mutually exclusive in `gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export`.

### Kpt

* Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.19 to v1.0.0-beta.24. See <> and previous release notes for more details.

### Recommender

*   Added support for `gcloud recommender recommendations mark-dismissed`.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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