Google Cloud CLI 429.0.0 is now available

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May 2, 2023, 4:01:02 PM5/2/23
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 429.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 429.0.0 (2023-05-02)

### Breaking Changes

*   **(Compute Engine)** Added rocky-9 option to `--os` flag for:
  * `gcloud compute images import` in GA,
  * `gcloud compute instances import` in GA
  * `gcloud compute machine-images import` in GA

### Google Cloud CLI

* Updated bundled-python cryptography package to 39.0.1 and PyOpenSSL to 23.0.0.

### AlloyDB

* Added `--update-mode` flag to `gcloud alloydb instances update`
in alpha and beta tracks.

### BigQuery

* Added `bq info` command to print debug information.
* Froze the request library to version '2.27.1' until python2 is removed.
* Removed excess line of logging to stderr that was printed on most commands.
* Improved error messaging for unsupported regions.
* Added support for an `encoding` when creating a JSON backed external table.
* Updated bundled `urllib3`.

### Certificate Authority Service

* Added `--ignore_dependent_resources` flag to `gcloud privateca roots disable` to allow a root CA to be disabled even if it is the last CA in its CA Pool while its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
* Added `--ignore_dependent_resources` flag to `gcloud privateca subordinates disable` to allow a subordinate CA to be disabled even if it is the last CA in its CA Pool while its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
* Added `--ignore_dependent_resources` flag to `gcloud privateca roots delete` to allow a root CA to be deleted even if its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
* Added `--ignore_dependent_resources` flag to `gcloud privateca subordinates delete` to allow a subordinate CA to be deleted even if its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
* Added `--ignore_dependent_resources` flag to `gcloud privateca pools delete` to allow a CA Pool to be deleted even if it is being depended on by another cloud resource.

### Cloud Bigtable

* Rebuilding cbt cli with go version 1.20.3 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.

### Cloud Firestore Emulator

* Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.17.4
  * Added support for eventarc triggers(2nd gen)
  * Fix ListDocuments to have page token

### Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

* Fixed a low throughput issue that appeared in some download cases for `gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel`.

### Cloud Monitoring

* Promoted `gcloud monitoring snoozes` commands to beta and GA.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

* Added `--event-time` flag to `gcloud pubsub lite-topics publish` to allow users to specify an event time when publishing a message.

### Cloud Run

* Updated `gcloud beta run integrations list` to display integrations across all
  regions by default when `--region` flag is not specified.

### Cloud SQL

* Promoted `--threads-per-core` flag for `gcloud sql instances create` and
  `gcloud sql instances patch` to GA.

### Cloud Workstations

* Added the `beta workstations list-usable` command which lists a user's
usable workstations under a given configuration.
* Added `gcloud beta workstations get-iam-policy`.
* Added `gcloud beta workstations set-iam-policy`.
* Added `gcloud beta workstations configs get-iam-policy`.
* Added `gcloud beta workstations configs set-iam-policy`.

### Compute Engine

* Added "REGION" column in the output of `gcloud compute ssl-certificates list`.
* Promoted `--gateway-ip-version` flag of `gcloud compute vpn-gateways create` to beta. Flag defines the IP version of VPN Gateway.
* Allowed `--interfaces` flag to accept IPv6 addresses of `gcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateways create`.
* Promoted support of regional instance template for `gcloud compute instance-groups managed create` to beta and GA.
* Promoted support of regional instance template for `gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-instance-template` to beta and GA.
* Promoted support of regional instance template for `gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update` to beta and GA.
* Promoted `--nat-name` flag of `gcloud compute routers get-nat-mapping-info` to GA.

### Distributed Cloud Edge

* Added `--lro-timeout` for `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create` which allows specifying a custom duration for the `gcloud` CLI to wait on LROs.

### Identity and Access Management

* Fixed issue with `gcloud auth login --login-config=$LOGIN_CONFIG --no-browser` not working on Linux machines due to terminal input limit.

### Kpt

* Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.30 to v1.0.0-beta.31. See <> for more details.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Added `--enable-unstable-kubernetes-apis` flag to `gcloud containers cluster create` and `gcloud containers cluster update` to facilitate enabling beta apis in kube-apiserver.

### Network Connectivity

*   Made network field accept both resource identifier and path.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.

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