Google Cloud CLI 476.0.0 is now available

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May 14, 2024, 2:35:37 PMMay 14
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 476.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 476.0.0 (2024-05-14)

### Google Cloud CLI

* Updated `pyopenssl` package to version 24.0.0 to enable `cryptography`
  version 42.0.5.

### AlloyDB

* Added flag `--assign-inbound-public-ip` to enable or disable public IP for an
instance to `gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary`.
* Added flag `--ssl-mode` to configure an instance's SSL mode to
`gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary`.
* Added flag `--require-connectors` to enforce whether or not all connections
need to come from connectors (e.g. AlloyDB Auth Proxy) to
`gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary`.

### App Engine

* Use java21 as the default runtime for app.yaml generated configuration.
  This change is compatible with `gcloud app deploy` command, when there is
  no app.yaml configuration for Java projects (Maven, or Gradle, or simple jar).
  Instead of using a java17 runtime target, App Engine deploys the application
  using the java21 runtime with an F2 instance class. To continue using the java17
  runtime, create an app.yaml file, and specify `runtime: java17`.
* Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.27 build from the open source project

### Cloud Bigtable

* Rebuilding cbt cli with 0.24.0 which fixed CVE-2023-45288.
* Added Authorized Views feature.

### Cloud Dataplex

*   Added `gcloud dataplex entries` commands which allow manipulating Dataplex
    Catalog Entries.

### Cloud Infrastructure Manager

* Added `--annotations` flag for `gcloud infra-manager previews create` and
`gcloud infra-manager deployments apply` commands.

### Cloud Key Management Service

*   Added a new value `ec-sign-ed25519` to the flag `default-algorithm` to support the asymmetric signing algorithm `ED25529` through `gcloud kms keys create|update` and `gcloud kms keys versions import`.

### Cloud Logging

* Promoted `gcloud logging views get-iam-policy` command to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud logging views set-iam-policy` command to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding` command to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud logging views remove-iam-policy-binding` command to GA.

### Cloud NetApp

* Added `--allow-auto-tiering` to `gcloud beta netapp storagepools` to allow storage pool enable auto tiering.
* Added `--tiering-policy` to `gcloud beta netapp volumes` to allow volume enable auto tiering.

### Cloud Run

* `gcloud run jobs deploy --source` has been fixed.

### Cloud Storage

* Updated gsutil component to 5.29.

### Compute Engine

* Deprecated `gcloud compute instances move`. See <> for an alternative method.
* Fixed inconsistency in IPv6 flag support for `gcloud compute instances create-with-container` and `gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container` commands. Changes include added support for `--internal-ipv6-address` and `--internal-ipv6-prefix-length` flags, as well as `stack-type`, and `ipv6-network-tier` arguments for `--network-interface` flag.
* Fixed inconsistency in reservation flag support for `gcloud compute instances create-with-container` and `gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container` commands. Changes include added support for `--reservation` and `--reservation-affinity` flags.
* Added `specific-then-any-reservation` and `specific-then-no-reservation` to the flag `--reservation-affinity` for alpha and beta in `gcloud compute instances create` and `gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container` commands.
* Promoted `--mode` flag of `gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes create` to GA.
* Promoted `--allocatable-prefix-length` flag of `gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes create` to GA.
* Promoted `--mode` flag of `gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes delegated-sub-prefixes create` to GA.
* Promoted `--allocatable-prefix-length` flag of `gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes delegated-sub-prefixes create` to GA.
* Added `gcloud compute routers add-route-policy` which creates an empty Route Policy in Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers add-route-policy` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers get-route-policy` which describe Route Policy from Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers get-route-policy` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers download-route-policy` which downloads Cloud Router's Route Policy into a file.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers download-route-policy` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers list-bgp-routes` which lists the routes advertised and learned on individual BGP sessions, both pre- and post-policy evaluation.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers list-bgp-routes` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers list-route-policies` which lists all Route Policy within Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers list-route-policies` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy` which removes Cloud Router's Route Policy.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy` to beta.
* Added `gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy` which uploads Route Policy from a file and adds it to Cloud Router.
* Promoted `gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy` to beta.
* Added `--import-policies` and `--export-policies` flags to `gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer` and `gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer` to apply Cloud Router's Route Policies to Cloud Router Bgp Peer.
* Promoted `--import-policies` and `--export-policies`  flags of `gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer` and `gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer` to beta.
* Added `--bgp-identifier-range` flag to `gcloud compute routers create` and `gcloud compute routers update`.
* Added `--enable-ipv4`, `--ipv4-nexthop-address`, and `--peer-ipv4-nexthop-address` flags to `gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer` and `gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer`.
* Added `--ip-version` flag to `gcloud compute routers add-interface` and `gcloud compute routers update-interface`. Additionally, `--ip-address` flag of these commands will now accept IPv6 addresses.
* Promoted `--maintenance-interval` flag for `gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups perform-maintenance` to GA.
* Added `--terraform-script-output-file`, `--exclusion-patterns-file` and `--export-exclusion-patterns` flags to `gcloud (alpha|beta) compute firewall-rules migrate` commands.

### Database Migration

* Updated `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql` to support MySQL_8_0_36 minor version option for Cloud SQL connection profiles.

### Eventarc

*  Removed `gcloud beta eventarc`, including warnings and errors. User are expected to use `gcloud eventarc` instead.

### Kpt

* Updated kpt to v1.0.0-beta.50. See <> for more details.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Updated default kubectl from 1.26.15 to 1.27.13.
* Additional kubectl versions:
  * kubectl.1.27 (1.27.13)
  * kubectl.1.28 (1.28.9)
  * kubectl.1.29 (1.29.4)
  * kubectl.1.30 (1.30.0)

### Network Connectivity

* Added `--policy-mode` and `--preset-topology` flags to `gcloud network-connectivity hubs create`.
* Added `gcloud network-connectivity hubs groups update`.

### Security Command Center

*   Deprecated `read-time` and `compare-duration` flags from the `findings list` and `findings group` commands.
*   Promoted management api `gcloud scc manage services ...` commands to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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