Google Cloud CLI 430.0.0 is now available

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Nathan Looney

May 9, 2023, 10:06:20 PM5/9/23
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 430.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 430.0.0 (2023-05-09)

### Breaking Changes

*   **(Distributed Cloud Edge)** Changed default behavior of `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters get-credentials` to use kubectl exec auth. More info at <>. If a user requires use of the deprecated in-tree-auth-plugin, they can revert back to previous behavior by setting an environment flag: `USE_GKE_GCLOUD_AUTH_PLUGIN=false`.

### Google Cloud CLI

* Fixed issue where `gcloud auth enterprise-certificate-config create` used `cert_issuer` instead of `issuer` for Windows and MacOS configurations.

### AlloyDB

* Added `gcloud alloydb users <command>` Users API to manage AlloyDB users.

### Anthos On-Prem

* Modified `gcloud container vmware clusters list` to return clusters in all locations of the specified project if `--location` is not specified and configuration `container_vmware/location` is not set.

### App Engine

* Updated the  Python App Engine devappserver to set app.yaml `build_env_variables` when running pip.
* Updated the  Python App Engine devappserver to fix php55 lost request bug.
* Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.14 build from the open source project

### Bare Metal Solution

* Promoted `gcloud bms instance rename` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud bms networks rename` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud bms nfs-shares rename` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud bms volumes rename` to GA.

### Cloud Bigtable

* Rebuilt cbt cli with go version 1.20.4 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.
* Add ability to count rows for a prefix.

### Cloud Bigtable Emulator

* Rebuilt cbt emulator with go version 1.20.4 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.

### Cloud Build

*   Added `--git-source-revision` flag to `gcloud builds submit`.
*   Added `--git-source-dir` flag to `gcloud builds submit`.

### Cloud Firestore

* Promoted `firestore locations list` to beta.

### Cloud IAM

*   Added `--web-sso-response-type` and `--web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior` flag
    to `gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc` and
    `gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc` to allow user to setup
    web sso configuration.

### Cloud Logging

* Added `--custom-learned-route-priority` and `--set-custom-learned-route-ranges` flags of `gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer` in beta to specify the custom learned route configuration.
* Added `--custom-learned-route-priority`, `--set-custom-learned-route-ranges`, `--add-custom-learned-route-ranges` and `--remove-custom-learned-route-ranges` flags of `gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer` in beta to specify the custom learned route configuration.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

* The `gcloud pubsub pull` command now waits for messages by default.
  * The `--wait` flag has been deprecated from `gcloud beta pubsub pull` command.
  * The `--return-immediately` flag has been added to `gcloud beta pubsub pull` command to support the old behavior.

### Cloud Run

* No longer sets the `` annotation when deploying
  or updating Cloud Run Services and Jobs.
* Fixes issue in `gcloud run deploy` and `gcloud run services update` where
  changing `--port` would fail due to health check errors.

### Compute Engine

* Update replica-zones support `--create-disk=replica-zones` for `gcloud compute instances create`.
* Promoted `gcloud compute addresses move` to beta.
* Added `--user-ip-request-headers` for `gcloud compute security-policies update`, and promoted it to beta.

### Database Migration

* Added a set of commands for `gcloud database-migration private-connections` to perform common (create, list, describe, delete) operations on private connections.
* Updated `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create` to support creating Oracle connection profiles.
* Updated `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create` to support connectivity in creating Postgresql connection profiles.
* Added `gcloud database-migrate conversion-workspaces` that supports the following commands for creating and managing conversion workspaces: create, update, delete, list, describe, commit, rollback, seed, import-rules, convert, apply, list background jobs and describe entities.
* Updated `gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create` to support heterogeneous migration jobs.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Added `--enable-master-global-access` flag of `gcloud container clusters

### Looker

* Launch Looker (Google Cloud core) for General Availability to the public.

### Network Connectivity

*   Updated `gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create` subnet flag field to accept resource arguments.

### Network Services

* Updated GA schema for `gcloud network-services gateways`.
* This primarily impacts gateway import/export.
* It includes SWG-specific changes so gateways of type SWG can be created.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.

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Nathan A. Looney
Software Engineer
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