Google Cloud CLI 411.0.0 is now available

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Dec 6, 2022, 2:33:38 PM12/6/22
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 411.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 411.0.0 (2022-12-06)

### Breaking Changes

*   **(Compute Engine)** Added rhel-9 and rhel-9-byol options to `--os` flag for:
  * `gcloud compute images import` in GA,
  * `gcloud compute instances import` in GA
  * `gcloud compute machine-images import` in GA

### Google Cloud CLI

* Added `gcloud topic` command group to alpha and beta.

### App Engine

* Add `--service-account` flag of `gcloud app create` to GA, which allows to create an app with a user-managed service account.
* Add `--service-account` flag of `gcloud app update` to GA, which allows to update the app with a user-managed service account.

### App Engine Flexible Environment

* Add `--service-account` flag of `gcloud app create` to GA, which allows to create an app with a user-managed service account.
* Add `--service-account` flag of `gcloud app update` to GA, which allows to update the app with a user-managed service account.

### BigQuery

* Expose enable_resumable_uploads flag in public bq.
* Formatting fix for
* Changed "locking" Owned Test Accounts to "getting" to avoid overloading AccountProviderService.
* Extended api logging to include URIs of requests.
* Extends encodings supported during file upload.
* Messages and fails early when the user tries to upload with an invalid schema.
* Adds support for GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT environment variable.
* Adds configuration for external accounts using token_uri.
* Dataset name validation and feedback.

### Cloud Bigtable

*    Promoted `gcloud bigtable instances tables create` to beta and GA.
*    Promoted `gcloud bigtable instances tables delete` to beta and GA.
*    Promoted `gcloud bigtable instances tables update` to beta and GA.
*    Added `include-stats` option to `cbt lookup` and `cbt read` commands.
*    Added `cbt notices` command, which displays licenses covering all direct
     and indirect dependencies.

### Cloud Build

* Bugfix to enforce limits to be applied after filters.
* Added `--enterprise-config` flag to `builds triggers create github` to support creating GitHub Enterprise trigger.

### Cloud Composer

*   Added `--enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation` to `gcloud beta composer
    environments create/update` to enable snapshots of the environment creation
    according to a schedule. Can be specified for Composer 2.0.32 or greater.
*   Added `--snapshot-creation-schedule` to `gcloud beta composer environments
    create/update` to specify cron expression when snapshots of the environment
    should be created.
*   Added `--snapshot-location` to `gcloud beta composer environments
    create/update` to specify the Cloud Storage location for storing
    automatically created snapshots.
*   Added `--snapshot-schedule-timezone` to `gcloud beta composer environments
    create/update` to specify Timezone that sets the context to interpret
*   Added `--disable-scheduled-snapshot-creation` to `gcloud beta composer
    environments update` to disable the automatic snapshots creation.

### Cloud Firestore

* Add apiScope output for Firestore index. ApiScope can be viewed in `gcloud firestore indexes composite list` and `gcloud firestore indexes composite describe`.
* Added databaseId support for Firestore index.

### Cloud IDS

* Added `--threat_exceptions` flag to exclude certain threat types from being

### Cloud Key Management Service

*   Modified `gcloud kms import-jobs create` to accept new SHA256 import methods
    `rsa-oaep-3072-sha256`, `rsa-oaep-3072-sha256-aes-256`,
    `rsa-oaep-4096-sha256`, and `rsa-oaep-4096-sha256-aes-256`.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

*   Promoted `--enable-exactly-once-delivery` flag of `gcloud pubsub subscriptions create` to GA.
*   Promoted `--enable-exactly-once-delivery` flag of `gcloud pubsub subscriptions update` to GA.

### Cloud Run

* Promoted `--execution-environment` of `gcloud run` from beta to GA.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud beta run jobs execute` with `--wait` flag, and
  other jobs commands to wait for an execution to complete, failed to wait more
  than 30 minutes.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud beta run integrations delete` failed when the
  associated Cloud Run service is deleted.

### Cloud SQL

* Promoted `--timeout` flag for `gcloud sql instances create` to GA.
* Added `--restore-database-name` flag to `gcloud sql instance clone --point-in-time` to support single database PITR restore for SQL Server.

### Cloud Services

*   Updated `gcloud services list` to retry 429 errors.
*   Set the default page size for `gcloud services list` to 200.
*   Promoted `gcloud services api-keys lookup` to beta.

### Cloud Spanner

*   Added `--skip-init` flag to `gcloud spanner samples run`.

### Cloud Storage

* Promoted `gcloud storage buckets update` retention flags to GA.
  * `--default-event-based-hold`
  * `--retention-period`
  * `--clear-retention-period`
  * `--lock-retention-period`
* Promoted `gcloud storage buckets update --uniform-bucket-level-access` to GA.
* Rebuilt `gcloud-crc32c` 1.0.0 on latest version of golang.
* Updated gsutil component to 5.17.

### Compute Engine

* Added `--merge-source-commitment` to `gcloud compute commitments create` for beta and GA.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged list-instances`
  would fail to fall back to the `compute/zone` property when `--zone` was
* Added customRequestHeaders and customResponseHeaders to modifiable fields list in `gcloud compute backend-services edit`.

### Dataproc Metastore

* Added support for querying and mutating Dataproc Metastore metadata. The following commands have been added to the alpha and beta release tracks:
  * `metastore services queryMetadata`
  * `metastore services alterLocation`
  * `metastore services moveTableToDatabase`

### Distributed Cloud Edge

* Added warning to long running operation metadata of `gcloud edge-cloud container cluster create/update`
when the cluster has a maintenance window configuration that overlaps with other
clusters' in the same project.

### Firebase Test Lab

*   Added `--type=robo` flag to `gcloud firebase test ios run` to support running iOS Robo tests.

### GKE Hub

* Fixed bug in `gcloud container fleet` and `gcloud container hub` command groups where a membership with ambiguous location was not given default value `global`.

### Kubernetes Engine

*   Promoted `--cluster-dns-scope=cluster` flag of
    `gcloud container clusters create` and `gcloud container clusters update` to
*   Promoted `--binauthz-evaluation-mode=MONITORING`,
    and `--binauthz-policy` flags of `gcloud container clusters create`, `gcloud
    container clusters create-auto`, and `gcloud container clusters update` to
*   Corrected outdated description help text of `gcloud container node-pools
*   Promoted `--placement-type` flag for `gcloud container clusters create`
    command to GA.
*   Promoted `--placement-type` flag for `gcloud container node-pools create`
    command to GA.
*   Added `--async` flag to `gcloud container node-pools create/update` to allow
    the in-progress operation to be returned, instead of the node pool.
*   Additionally, default formatting for `gcloud container node-pools
    create/update/delete --async` has been added to provide a more
    human-readable format of the operation; potentially impacting parsing of
    output. It is recommended to use `--format` when parsing `gcloud` CLI
* Updates default kubectl from 1.22.14 to 1.23.14.
* Additional kubectl versions:
  * kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
  * kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
  * kubectl.1.22 (1.22.15)
  * kubectl.1.23 (1.23.14)
  * kubectl.1.24 (1.24.8)
  * kubectl.1.25 (1.25.4)

*   Added `--windows-os-version` flag to `gcloud container node-pools
    create/update` to allow create Windows node pools using Windows
    Server LTSC 2022 Containerd node image.

### Media CDN

* Added `gcloud edge-cache` command group to enable configuration of Media CDN.

### Network Connectivity

* Promoted `gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges` command group to GA.

### Network Security

* Promoting networksecurity firewall API to v1beta1.
* Promoted commands under `gcloud network-security org-address-groups` and
  `gcloud network-security address-groups` to beta.

### Recommender

*   Added billing account scope support for `gcloud recommender recommender-config describe`.
*   Added billing account scope support for `gcloud recommender recommender-config update`.
*   Added billing account scope support for `gcloud recommender insight-type-config describe`.
*   Added billing account scope support for `gcloud recommender insight-type-config update`.

### Terraform

*   Added support for environment variables `GOOGLE_PROJECT`,
    `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT`, `GCLOUD_PROJECT` in `gcloud beta terraform vet`.
*   Fixed an issue where `gcloud beta terraform vet` would fail while trying to
    format and output pre-formatted error strings.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>.
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