Cloud CLI 459.0.0 is now available

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Jan 9, 2024, 1:46:33 PMJan 9
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 459.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 459.0.0 (2024-01-09)

### Google Cloud CLI

*   Removed the warning about `--update-adc` deprecation.

### AI

* Added `--notification-channels` flag to `gcloud ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update` to allow sending alerts to notification channels.

### App Engine

* Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.24 build from the open source project
$ Updated Jetty Web Server to version 12.0.5.

### Assured Workloads

*   Promote assured workloads enable-resource-monitoring to GA.

### Binauthz

*  Updated `gcloud container binauthz attestations create` to make `--attestor`
   optional, allowing creation of attestations on a specified `--note`. Note
   that `--validate` can only be used with `--attestor`.

### Cloud Composer

* Fixed `gcloud beta composer environments list-upgrades` for Composer 2 environments.
* Added `--enable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only` flag to
`gcloud composer environments create` to enable writing and reading task logs
only from cloud logging and disable using gcs buckets for logs.
* Added `--disable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only` flag to
`gcloud composer environments create` to disable writing and reading task logs
only from cloud logging and disable using gcs buckets for logs.
* Added `--enable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only` flag to `gcloud composer environments update` to enable logs in cloud logging only feature for environments.
* Added `--disable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only` flag to `gcloud composer environments update` to disable logs in cloud
logging only feature for environments.

### Cloud Datastore

* Promoted `--database` flag of `gcloud datastore indexes create` command to beta.
* Promoted `--database` flag of `gcloud datastore indexes create` command to GA.

### Cloud Firestore

* Promoted `firestore databases delete` to beta.
* Promoted `firestore databases delete` to GA.
* Promoted `--delete-protection` and `--no-delete-protection` flag of `gcloud firestore databases create` and `gcloud firestore databases update` command to beta.
* Promoted `--delete-protection` and `--no-delete-protection` flag of `gcloud firestore databases create` and `gcloud firestore databases update` command to GA.

### Cloud Functions

* Fixed file check issue with `gcloud functions deploy` for gradle-based Java deployments.
* Added `--build-service-account` flag to `gcloud beta functions deploy` for
2nd Gen functions to alpha and beta.

### Cloud Memorystore

* Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

### Cloud Org Policy

* Updated `etag` field in the output of `gcloud org-policies list` command to show a top-level etag which better reflects the current state of the policy.
* Added `--etag` to `gcloud org-policies delete` to support etag on policy deletion that will ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.

### Cloud Run

* add `--add-volume`, `--remove-volume` and `--clear-volumes` flags to
`gcloud beta run deploy`, `gcloud beta run services update`, `gcloud beta run jobs deploy`,
and `gcloud beta run jobs update` to support managing volumes in your Cloud Run
Services and Jobs.
* add `-add-volume-mount`, `--remove-volume-mount`, and `--clear-volume-mount` flags
to `gcloud beta run deploy`, `gcloud beta run services update`, `gcloud beta run jobs deploy`,
and `gcloud beta run jobs update` to support mounting volumes within containers.

### Cloud SQL

* Rename the positional argument of `gcloud sql backups restore` command from BACKUP_ID to ID.
* Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

### Cloud Services

* Promoted `gcloud services vpc-peerings get-vpc-service-controls` to GA.

### Cloud Workstations

*   Added `--domain` flag to `gcloud workstations clusters`
    to enable using custom domains.

### Compute Engine

*   Promoted `--server-tls-policy` and `--clear-server-tls-policy` for  `gcloud compute target-https-proxies create` and `gcloud compute target-https-proxies update` to beta.

### Compute Firewall Policy Rules

* Fixed issue where `gcloud firewall-policies rules update`
  didn't allow clearing list fields.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud firewall-policies rules update`
  set disabled and enabledLogging to false if it was not specified by the user.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update` and
  `gcloud beta network-firewall-policies rules update` required providing
  `--security-profile-group` even if it was not changed.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update` and
  `gcloud beta network-firewall-policies rules update` didn't allow
  clearing securityProfileGroup (`--security-profile-group=''`).

### Database Migration

* Added MySQL_8_0_35 minor version option when creating Cloud SQL connection profile using `gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql` command.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Updated default kubectl from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9.
* Additional kubectl versions:
  * kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
  * kubectl.1.25 (1.25.16)
  * kubectl.1.26 (1.26.12)
  * kubectl.1.27 (1.27.9)
  * kubectl.1.28 (1.28.5)
  * kubectl.1.28 (1.29.0)
* Added `--enable-secret-manager` flags to `gcloud container clusters create`, `gcloud container clusters create-auto` and `gcloud container clusters update` in alpha and beta.
* Deprecated `--dataplane-v2-observability-mode` flag of `gcloud container clusters create|update|create-auto` command. Users are expected to use `--enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability` and `--disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability` flags now.
* Increased maximum argument to `--num-nodes` flag of `gcloud container clusters create` from 1000 to 2000.

### Network Services

* Updated `gcloud network-services gateways` to show a new `ipVersion` field for v1 version.
* Added `envoyHeaders` field to `gcloud network-services <meshes|gateways> <import|export|describe>` commands to inject envoy internal debug headers into upstream requests.
* Added `idleTimeout` field to `gcloud network-services <http-routes|grpc-routes|tcp-routes|tls-routes> <import|export|describe>` to configure idle timeouts for the upstream and downstream connections.
* Added `mirrorPercent` to `gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>` to configure fractional mirror percentage.
* Added `directResponse` to `gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>` which returns a static HTTP response for all requests.
* Added `requestHeaderModifier` to `gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>` to modify request headers to a particular destination.
* Added `responseHeaderModifier` to `gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>` to modify response headers from a particular destination.

### Service Directory

* Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

### Transcoder

* Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

### telco automation

* Promoted `gcloud telco-automation orchestration-cluster` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud telco-automation operations` to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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