Cloud SDK 343.0.0 is now available

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Jun 2, 2021, 1:06:04 PM6/2/21
to google-cloud-sdk-announce
Hi all,

Cloud SDK 343.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

## 343.0.0 (2021-06-02)

### Breaking Changes

* **(Certificate Authority Service)** Updated `gcloud beta privateca` to only allow managing resources in the 6
supported locations. For more information, see
* **(Cloud Run)** If platform is not specified via flags or config, `gcloud run` commands that
require a platform will now default to `managed` instead of prompting to
select a platform.

### AI
* Promoted `gcloud ai custom-jobs` to GA.

### Artifact Registry

* Added Python repo creation with `gcloud artifacts repositories create`.
* Added print-settings command for Python repositories.

### BigQuery

* Disable non-federated AWS connection type.
* New module credential_loader encapsulate credential and auth related functions for BQCLI. The main entrypoint for these functions is credential_loader.GetCredentialsFromFlags (moved from _GetCredentialsFromFlags). Note the removed underscore in addition to the module path change.
* Minor bug fixes and dependency updates.

### Cloud Datastream

* Added `gcloud beta connection-profiles` which contains create, delete,
describe and list for Datastream connection profile objects.
* Added `gcloud beta locations fetch-static-ips` which returns a
list of static IPs used by Datastream for a specific location.
* Fixed issue where `gcloud beta connection-profiles list`
returned partial information in the list formatting.

### Cloud Functions

* Update logging message for `gcloud functions deploy` to print Cloud Build log URL.

### Cloud Pub/Sub

* Modified the output of `gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema` on the successful validation of a schema to text indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
* Modified the output of `gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-message` on the successful validation of a message to text indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
* Added `gcloud beta pubsub lite-subscriptions ack-up-to` which allows the user to acknowledge messages on a specified Pub/Sub Lite subscription.

### Compute Engine

* Promoted `--scopes`, `--no-scopes, `, `--service-account` and `--no-service-account` flags to GA for `gcloud compute instances import`.
* Updated `gcloud beta compute service-attachment` to fix the default values of `--enable-proxy-protocol` and `--connection-preference`.

### Config Connector

* Updated Google Cloud Config Connector to version 1.51.0.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Added `--threads-per-core` flag to `gcloud container clusters create` and `gcloud container node-pools create` commands.
* Fixed issue for 0 node clusters relating to misleading output of node versioning in `gcloud container clusters list`.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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