Google Cloud CLI 466.0.0 is now available

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Shyam Mehta

Feb 27, 2024, 4:49:14 PMFeb 27

Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 466.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 466.0.0 (2024-02-27)

### Google Cloud CLI

* Updated `gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser` to work with Context Aware Access.

### Cloud Build

* Hided`gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-cloud`, `gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center`, `gcloud builds connections update bitbucket-cloud`, `gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center`, `gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-cloud`, `gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-cloud`, `gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-data-center`, `gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-data-center`.

### Cloud Infrastructure Manager

*   Fixed issue where `gcloud infra-manager previews export` directly downloads
    files when `--file` flag is not provided.

### Compute Engine

* Promoted `delete` command of `gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config` to GA.
* Promoted `update` command of `gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config` to GA.
* Promoted `--default-action-on-vm-failure` flag of `gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create | update>` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute instant-snapshots create` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute instant-snapshots delete` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute instant-snapshots describe` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute instant-snapshots list` to GA.
* Promoted `gcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels` to GA.
* Promoted `--source-instant-snapshot` flag of `gcloud compute disks create` to GA.
* Promoted `--source-instant-snapshot`, `--source-instant-snapshot-zone`, `--source-instant-snapshot-region` and `--source-instant-snapshot-key-file` flags of `gcloud compute snapshots create` to GA.

### Kubernetes Engine

* Removed `--dataplane-v2-observability-mode` flag of `gcloud container clusters create|update|create-auto` command. Users are expected to use `--enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability` and `--disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability` flags now.

### Network Security

* Added `--[no-]disabled` flag to `gcloud <alpha> network-security firewall-endpoint-associations update` command to enable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.

### Security Command Center

* Added `--location` flag to `gcloud scc findings`, `gcloud scc muteconfigs`, `gcloud scc bqexports` and `gcloud scc notifications` commands to provide data residency for scc resources.

### Workbench

* Fixed `gcloud workbench instances` commands failing when all three `--shielded-secure-boot`, `--shielded-integrity-monitoring`, `--shielded-vtpm` flags are not passed.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.
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