Google Cloud CLI 454.0.0 is now available

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Nathan Looney

Nov 7, 2023, 4:54:54 PM11/7/23
Hi all,

Google Cloud CLI 454.0.0 is now available for download at:

Release notes can be found here:

 ## 454.0.0 (2023-11-07)

### AI

* Added `deployment-group`, `enable-access-logging`,`audiences`,`allowed-issuers` to `gcloud ai index-endpoints mutate-deployed-index`.

### Anthos Multi-Cloud

*   Updated `container attached clusters register` and
    `container attached clusters import` to check for proper deployment of the
    install agent before attempting to register/import.

### Artifact Registry

* Updated `gcloud artifacts sbom load` to have the newly created bucket have
Uniform Bucket Level Access set to true.

### Binauthz

*  Fixed issue with `gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create` where `--validate` is not supported with `--pae-encode-payload`.

### Certificate Manager

*   Added `--update-mask` flag to `gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs import`.

### Cloud Bigtable

* Rebuilt cbt cli with go version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

### Cloud Bigtable Emulator

* Rebuilding cbt emulator with go version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

### Cloud Build

* Added `--clear-subscription-filter` to `gcloud builds triggers update pubsub` command.

### Cloud Dataproc

* Added `--min-secondary-worker-fraction` flags to `gcloud dataproc clusters create` and `gcloud dataproc clusters update`.

### Cloud Deploy

* Added `gcloud deploy automations` and `gcloud deploy automation-runs` command groups.

### Cloud IAM

*   Added `--allowed-services` flag to
    `gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc`, which allows the user to setup
    domains that can be accessed by users in a workforce pool.
*   Added `--disable-programmatic-signin` flag to
    `gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc` and
    `gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc`, which lets the
    administrator disable programmatic sign-in for users in a workforce pool.

### Cloud Run

*   Added `--container`, `--remove-containers`, and `--depends-on` flags to `gcloud beta run deploy` and `gcloud beta run services update` to allow deploying and updating multi-container Services.

### Cloud SQL

* Added `--cascadable-replica`  flag to `gcloud sql instances create` to enable
cascadable replica creation for SQL Server.
* Added `gcloud sql instances switchover` in alpha and beta to enable switchover
in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
* Added `--failover` flag to `gcloud sql instances promote-replica` to enable
unmanaged failover in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.

### Cloud Storage

* Fixed "Completed" progress count incrementing for uploads with errors.
* Fixed an issue where `--content-md5` flag was showing up for `gcloud storage objects update` command. MD5 Hash is a read only field so cannot be updated. Removed `--content-md5` flag from the `update` command and removed `--clear-content-md5` flag from `gcloud storage {cp|mv|rsync|objects update}` commands.
*  Added `--autoclass-terminal-storage-class` flag to `gcloud storage buckets {create|update}` to set the terminal storage class for Autoclass buckets.
* Updated gsutil component to 5.27.
* Releases soft delete feature, including `restore` command and various flags across other commands.
* Removes un-implemented `operations list` flags: `--uri` and `--page-size`. These flags didn't do anything and there are no operations public users could have been using them on yet.

### Cloud TPU

* Promote `--update-labels`, `--clear-labels`, and `--remove-labels` flags of
  `gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update` to GA.

### Compute Engine

* Promoted Standby Policy flags for `gcloud compute instance-groups managed create` in beta.
* Promoted Standby Policy flags for `gcloud compute instance-groups managed update` in beta.
* Promoted `gcloud compute snapshot-settings` to GA. Documentation of this feature is available at <>.
* Updated enum name for `--managed-protection-tier` flag for `gcloud compute project-info update` from `CAMP_PLUS_MONTHLY` to `CAMP_PLUS_PAYGO`.
* Added `--network-user-defined-fields`, `--network-src-ip-ranges`, `--network-dest-ip-ranges`, `--network-ip-protocols`, `--network-src-ports`, `--network-dest-ports`, `--network-src-region-codes`, and `--network-src-asns` to `gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update`.
* Added `gcloud compute security-policies add-user-defined-fields` and `gcloud compute security-policies remove-user-defined-fields` commands.
* Added `--region` to `gcloud compute backend-services update`.
* Added `--security-policy` and `--security-policy-region` to `gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update`.
* Added `gcloud compute target-pools update` and `gcloud compute target-instances update` commands.

### Distributed Cloud Edge

* Added `upgrade` command to `gcloud edge-cloud container clusters` to allow manually upgrading local control plane clusters.
* Promoted `--router` to `gcloud edge-cloud container vpn-connections create` to allow users to define Cloud Router to use when creating the VPN connection.

### GKE Hub

* Promoted `gcloud container fleet policycontroller` group to GA.

### Kubernetes Engine

*  Fixed issue where `gcloud container clusters create-auto` would prefer `compute/zone` over `compute/region` if both configs were set.
  Now prioritizes using `compute/region`.
* Updated default kubectl from 1.27.5 to 1.27.7.
* Additional kubectl versions:
  * kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
  * kubectl.1.25 (1.25.15)
  * kubectl.1.26 (1.26.10)
  * kubectl.1.27 (1.27.7)
  * kubectl.1.28 (1.28.3)
*  Added `--labels` flag to `gcloud container clusters create-auto` to enable applying labels on Autopilot clusters at creation time.

### Looker

*   Added `gcloud looker regions list` which displays all available
    regions to deploy a Looker instance.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

 As always, please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have via our issue tracker: <>. You can also ask for help on Stack Overflow, under the `gcloud` tag, or in the mailing list.

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Nathan A. Looney
Software Engineer
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