Local development server for Google Cloud Storage

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Michael Francoeur

Oct 24, 2017, 11:55:42 PM10/24/17
to Google Cloud Developers

Hi all,


Does anyone know if the equivalent of Google's App Engine local developer server exists for Google Cloud Storage?


I'm considering starting a project to enable developers to launch a Docker container that effectively emulates Google Cloud Storage, this would be used for more efficient testing and development.


Assuming this doesn't already exist, if you had something like this, does it sound useful? Or is there another Google Cloud service that would be especially useful to mock locally?


Other than the Google Cloud Datastore Emulator, it doesn't seem like you can effectively mock Google services locally.

George (Cloud Platform Support)

Oct 25, 2017, 10:41:48 AM10/25/17
to Google Cloud Developers
Hello Michael, 

The local development server offers local emulation for Google Cloud Storage. You can specify related parameters with --storage_path=... , as indicated on the "Local Development Server Options" documentation page. In the light of this information, it doesn't seem useful to emulate in a Docker container what is already emulated and within easy reach of programmers, locally. 

Programs developed in a GCE machine can access the Cloud Storage normally, for testing purposes as well. You can write files to Cloud Storage buckets from almost anywhere, as detailed in the "Connecting to Cloud Storage buckets" document.  

Raul Royer

Feb 23, 2018, 1:48:00 PM2/23/18
to Google Cloud Developers
"You can use the client library with the development server. However because there is no local emulation of Cloud Storage, all requests to read and write files must be sent over the Internet to an actual Cloud Storage bucket."

What about this? 

Dan Jones

Feb 27, 2018, 3:22:43 PM2/27/18
to Google Cloud Developers
By "local development server", do you mean dev_appserver.py? Because, the best I can tell, you can only use that with an app using App Engine standard environment. What about applications that aren't using App Engine standard environment, but still are using Cloud Storage? Is there any way to get local emulation for Cloud Storage if we're not using App Engine standard environment?

I'm having this same issue, and I'm developing on App Engine's flexible environment (custom runtime). We don't use dev_appserver.py for local development at all, and I can't figure out how to get local emulation of Cloud Storage. We've already got emulation of some other Google Cloud services (like Datastore), so I'm a little stuck at this point.

On Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 9:41:48 AM UTC-5, George (Cloud Platform Support) wrote:
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