Setting up OAuth consent screen - "The request has been classified as abusive"

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Joe Best-Rotheray

May 10, 2021, 9:03:19 AM5/10/21
to Google Cloud Developers
Hi guys,

I'm playing around with the Google Drive API for a hobby project, and apparently to use that API I need to create a Google Cloud project etc. When setting up the OAuth consent screen I get this response "An error saving your app has occurred".

If I use chrome's debugging tools to look at the request I see this:

{"error":{"code":7,"message":"The request has been classified as abusive and was not allowed to proceed.","details":[{"@type":"","reason":"ABUSE_CHECK_FAILURE","domain":""}]}}

Any idea where to start with this? I'm not planning to give this app out to anyone so I only need it to work with my own account. I did see there was a user type called "internal", however only seems to be available for Google Workspace users which is a paid service, and I'm just messing around at this stage.

Any help much appreciated!

Joe Best-Rotheray

May 10, 2021, 12:00:26 PM5/10/21
to Google Cloud Developers
I changed the name to "Quickstart" and that seemed to be the magic cheat code to get around this =S

Shawn Wu

May 11, 2021, 10:01:18 AM5/11/21
to Google Cloud Developers

the User is not allowed to try to use "Google" as part of their app's name. that is why it fails

Joe Best-Rotheray

May 11, 2021, 11:21:43 AM5/11/21
to Google Cloud Developers
It didn't have "Google" as part of the name, what gave you that impression?

David Charles Martinez

May 11, 2021, 2:10:12 PM5/11/21
to Google Cloud Developers
I believe he was referring to a rule that does not allow having the word google on names. However, there are some other words used internally by Google that are not allowed either. I wonder if you were using one of these reserved words (not necessarily Google) and then by moving away from it you were able to get around the error. 

Joe Best-Rotheray

May 12, 2021, 7:47:43 AM5/12/21
to Google Cloud Developers
Ah actually that could be it, it was called "GDriveTest" and so "Drive" or "GDrive" might be on that list.
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