Amazon S3 DTS job stopped working after June 12th.

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Sean Wolfe

Jun 24, 2019, 10:53:50 PM6/24/19
to Google Cloud Bigtable Discuss
We've had a BigQuery DTS job that imports JSON files from an S3 bucket. This job has been working for about a month, but then just suddenly stopped. The last successful job was on 6/12. 

The messages in the Job results are meaningless and report no errors. Also, there is no matching job in the Job History in the BigQuery JobHistory interface. The job just finishes and doesn't import any new data.

Here is the output from the last successful job:

Resource name
June 12, 2019 at 5:00:01 PM UTC-7
5 min 59 sec
Log time
5:06:01 PM Summary: succeeded 1 jobs, failed 0 jobs.
5:05:13 PM Job bqts_5d035bf0-0000-2b61-89e6-089e08298da4 (table bigfish_prod_logs) completed successfully. Number of records: 217294016, with errors: 0.
5:02:13 PM Job bqts_5d035bf0-0000-2b61-89e6-089e08298da4 (table bigfish_prod_logs) started.
5:02:11 PM Moving data from Amazon S3 to Google Cloud complete: Moved 3301 object(s).
5:00:07 PM Starting transfer from Amazon S3 for files modified between 2019-06-11T16:50:00-07:00 and 2019-06-12T16:50:00-07:00 (exclusive).
5:00:02 PM Transfer load date: 20190613
5:00:01 PM Dispatched run to data source with id 579488557350947

Here is what the job results now look like:

Resource name
June 24, 2019 at 6:44:33 PM UTC-7
4 min 59 sec
Log time
6:49:33 PM Summary: succeeded 0 jobs, failed 0 jobs.
6:48:43 PM Moving data from Amazon S3 to Google Cloud complete: Moved 43422 object(s).
6:46:43 PM Transfer from Amazon S3 to Google Cloud in progress. Currently discovered 43422 object(s) and transferred 37492 object(s); discovery and transfer still in progress...
6:44:38 PM Starting transfer from Amazon S3 for files modified between 2019-06-12T16:50:00-07:00 and 2019-06-24T18:34:31-07:00 (exclusive).
6:44:33 PM Transfer load date: 20190625
6:44:33 PM Dispatched run to data source with id 595652279131273

If you notice there are no "Job" messages after the "Moving" messages.

I can't find out what is wrong. There is no error message, I even looked in the GCP Stackdriver logging, can't find anything related. 
Did S3 imports just break, is there a broken step?

I tried creating a new Task, with a similar setup, but with a subdirectory, and the same results.

Please, This is urgently needed. I need to run a report a customer has demanded.

Sean Wolfe

Ramesh Dharan

Jun 24, 2019, 10:58:21 PM6/24/19
to Google Cloud Bigtable Discuss
Hi Sean, I’m sorry you are having an issue with BigQuery. Unfortunately this list is for discussing Cloud Bigtable, not BigQuery.

Please refer to for the appropriate contact information - for urgent issues like this your best option is filing a support case. You can also try asking in #bigquery in
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