California State Senate districts

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Tim Maurer

23. feb. 2023, 17:05:0323.02.2023
til Google Civic Information API

I'm writing regarding a potential issue with the California State Senate districts returned by the Google Civic Information API.

We recently learned that the new CA State Senate districts as determined by the 2020 Census go into effect in two phases, with new odd-numbered district maps not going into effect until after the 2024 election.

Sources here:

With this being the case, I don't think Google Civic is returning the correct districts for locations in odd-numbered California State Senate districts. For instance, this address:

3576 Mount Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA  94549

is placed by the API in CA State Senate district 9, but is in fact still in district 7 until after the 2024 election.

Looking forward to any updates on this issue.

Tim Maurer
Countable Engineering

Kolina Yokoyama

27. feb. 2023, 17:35:5327.02.2023
til Google Civic Information API
Hi Tim,

Thanks for writing to let us know! We're actively fixing this and hope to have this resolved by tomorrow; stay tuned!

Thank you,
Kolina on behalf of the Google Civic Information API team

Tim Maurer

2. mars 2023, 14:13:1502.03.2023
til Google Civic Information API
That's great news, thanks. Any updates? Looks like the fix hasn't been pushed yet.

Tim Maurer
Countable Engineering

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Alberto Aguilera

7. juni 2023, 21:44:4607.06.2023
til Google Civic Information API
Bumping this up. I am also experiencing a similar issue

Google Civic Information API

13. juni 2023, 00:39:5113.06.2023
til Google Civic Information API
Hi Alberto,

Thanks for reaching out! Can you provide an example of what you're seeing so I can troubleshoot further? 

Thank you!
Kolina on behalf of the Google Civic Information API team

Zipper 7

23. feb. 2024, 18:32:3423. feb.
til Google Civic Information API
I'm having an issue currently related to this where I'd like to pull divisions for an address but I'm getting the old/current divisions. Given elections are coming up, it'd be very valuable to be able to get divisions relevant to an address for an upcoming election. Perhaps there's an optional parameter the API takes (date) and it returns the divisions that will correspond on that future date. Is there any other workaround to get divisions that'll apply at a future date?

Google Civic Information API

26. feb. 2024, 19:02:5626. feb.
til Google Civic Information API
Hi, the API does not expose future districts - it will return current divisions until they roll over to new ones. Thanks for your feedback and we are taking this into consideration!
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