Issue with V57 I need a v56 installer as none of the machines have the older versions in the app folder

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Apr 13, 2017, 9:04:00 AM4/13/17
to Google-chrome-frame

We've had a number of issues reported to us linked to the latest version of Chrome v57. Essentially leaving pages open in Chrome can lead to all of your machines memory being used up, resulting in long delays in opening new pages or slow response times. The only fix is to close the page and re-open it. 

This issue only occurs in version 57 of Chrome. We've already highlighted this to Google and they're aware it's an issue. They have advised us that it is effecting a lot of services as well as our own.

If you currently use Chrome to access x, we'd recommend rolling back to version 56 or using an alternative browser to avoid the above.

This came from our provider and unfortunately we do not have a previous installer and do not want to download from a third party

Greg Thompson

Apr 13, 2017, 9:06:38 AM4/13/17
to Google-chrome-frame,
Hi. You've posted to a forum for the retired Google Chrome Frame product. You may find more luck on the Google Chrome Help Forum.
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