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Is there a way to stop DevTools from automatically closing after not being used for an hour?

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May 6, 2022, 3:53:12 AM5/6/22
to Chrome DevTools
I'm running an experiment that involves sending a bunch of requests to a website for a long period of time, and DevTools closing every time I step away from my laptop for a bit is really annoying. Is there any way to stop DT from auto-closing?


May 6, 2022, 3:58:00 AM5/6/22
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
I have not experienced "DevTools closing every time I step away from my laptop". It remains open for days if I do not close it.
Although I think what happens is that you might be sending a lot of requests and the Developer Tools feature crashes due to perhaps an out of memory error.
Does it ever close when you are using your laptop?
Maybe the (unspecified) operating system has some logic to keep the memory usage down when the machine is idle and that causes an out of memory error (have not heard of such cases, though).


On Fri, May 6, 2022 at 8:53 AM CommanderVideo <> wrote:
I'm running an experiment that involves sending a bunch of requests to a website for a long period of time, and DevTools closing every time I step away from my laptop for a bit is really annoying. Is there any way to stop DT from auto-closing?

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mark p

Sep 11, 2022, 11:06:18 AM9/11/22
to Chrome DevTools
I'm running into this problem as well.  Similar  experiment but on a desktop and I'm using it.  Last week I was just getting warning about memory issues (and no closing), now the dev tools is just closing but no memory errors.  So memory issues are a good thought.


Sep 11, 2022, 12:35:55 PM9/11/22
Never heard of this. Testing now on Chrome 106.

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