Feature Request: Terminal tab in Chrome devtools

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Jun 1, 2017, 1:44:51 AM6/1/17
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
Google Chrome Devtools Team,

I use Google Chrome Workspaces a lot. I have to flip over to my Mac OS terminal to run commands and then come over to the browser again to test my app. I wish Google Chrome's Dev tools had a Terminal tab that lets me stay in the browser's Devtools while I am coding using Workspaces. Is the Google Devtools team working on a feature like this? Any other alternative?

btw: There is a non-working google chrome extension called dev-tools-terminal but it hasn't been updated in a long time (since 2014 I think). I could not get it to work. The github repo for the extension has links for workarounds. Either way, this dev-tools-terminal extension is not industrial strength IMO. You can find this extension at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devtools-terminal/leakmhneaibbdapdoienlkifomjceknl?hl=en

Also, does anyone know of a different place where I can submit a feature request like the one above?

- DC


Jun 1, 2017, 1:46:58 AM6/1/17
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
I am not sure this should be part of the browser. An extension makes more sense to me.

Generally, for feature requests, you can search crbug.com for an existing issue for this feature request and star it. If you cannot find one, you can use the "New issue" link at crbug.com to file a new one.
(If you do find one, do not add comments like "+1" or "me, too", it only hinders the development and it does not make the engineers implement the feature more quickly.)


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Kayce Basques

Jun 1, 2017, 10:51:18 AM6/1/17
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
There's already an experimental feature for this! I don't know if anyone has been working on it recently, though.


Jun 1, 2017, 2:28:10 PM6/1/17
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
That's neat.

I found out the repo for that one (wasn't mentioned on the link Kayce provided):

But seems there's an issue where node v7 removed eventEmitter and the `devtools-terminal --install` is broken.
I'm trying to make it work here, but it's a cool thing. I have grunt commands to run from time to time.

I agree with Phistuck, it shouldn't be a browser's responsibility because that would be tying browser to the OS imo.. I mean, chrome would have to deal with calls to Windows' CMD, OSX's Terminal, Linux's whatever (lol)


Jun 1, 2017, 3:03:12 PM6/1/17
to Google Chrome Developer Tools
It does not work for me (on Windows). I guess it is POSIX only or something similar.


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