Chrome Remote WebSocket Aborted

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phaneendra yandrapragada

Sep 25, 2024, 4:17:51 AMSep 25
to Chrome DevTools
I am controlling a chrome window with remote chrome port. Sometimes

Issue 1:  Chrome Process is running and WebSocket is getting aborted frequently.

The chrome process is in running state but WebSocket is getting aborted and losing control on the chrome window.
 Is there any rate at which the WebSocket expects CDP commands beyond which this happens?
Is it better to add delay between two subsequent CDP commands?

Issue 2:  Chrome Process is getting exited and WebSocket throwing error "The remote Party closed WebSocket connection without close handshake"

I am facing this one very frequently. 
What are the reasons why the remote chrome WebSocket getting closed without proper handshake?
Does this happen due to Encoding type we are using like "UTF8" ?

Please share inputs on above two issues.

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