Hi everyone! We see a lot of dumps where some frames point to a correct function, but show a line number "0". I decided to dig a little to figure out what's happening.
My conclusion: dump_syms incorrectly interprets dwarf state machine in some cases. This lead to many records with line == 0 and minidump_stackwalk outputting 0 as a result.
Why I think dump_syms is wrong? gdb shows perfectly reasonable line numbers for the same binary (it has a slightly different dwarf state machine). I don't think it's a dwarf generator issue, because the opcode stream looks fine and reasonable.
I used dump_syms from Chromium 115.0.5790.56 checkout to generate symbols for the dump_syms binary on Linux x86_64. Here's an example:
FUNC 4b6d0 114 0 google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)
4b6d0 e 73 155
4b6de 3 74 155
4b6e1 6 74 155
4b6e7 9 0 155 <-- ???
4b6f0 7 77 155
4b6f7 2 77 155
4b6f9 4 77 155
4b6fd 6 77 155
4b703 3 77 155
4b706 2 77 155
4b708 3 78 155
As you can see, we have `4b6e7 9 0 155` which points to line 0 in file 155.
gdb on the other hand treats the range [0x4b6de - 0x4b6f0) as a single record without any intermediate 0-line records:
$ gdb dump_syms
(gdb) info line *0x4b6de
Line 74 of "../../third_party/breakpad/breakpad/src/common/memory_allocator.h" starts at address 0x4b6de <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+14> and ends at 0x4b6f0 <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+32>.
(gdb) info line *0x4b6e7 <-- this is a "zero line" address
Line 74 of "../../third_party/breakpad/breakpad/src/common/memory_allocator.h" starts at address 0x4b6de <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+14> and ends at 0x4b6f0 <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+32>.
(gdb) info line *0x4b6f0 <-- next range
Line 77 of "../../third_party/breakpad/breakpad/src/common/memory_allocator.h" starts at address 0x4b6f0 <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+32> and ends at 0x4b708 <google_breakpad::PageAllocator::Alloc(unsigned long)+56>.
It would be very useful to fix dump_syms dwarf parser to not generate these bogus 0-line addresses.