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Google breakpad on arm64. Symbols not found in minidump

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Dariusz Ozygała

Apr 25, 2022, 9:51:17 AM4/25/22
to Google Breakpad Development

I'm building my application and source code of breakpad on Ubuntu 20.04 with two architectures (arm64 and x86_64). Both have been built on Mac with M1 inside docker with Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64 arch is emulated).

My build configuration builded from last stable branch chrome_90:

./configure CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" CXXFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"

I'm running and provoking my app to crash in the same way in both cases (arm64 and x86_64 arch).

For x86_64 it works perfectly, I can look into generated minidump with tool minidump_stackwalk and I can see symbols from my app.

But it doesn't work for arm64. minidump_stackwalk tells me that it could't find symbols for generated minidump.

Of course in both cases I provide suitable .sym file.

Both .sym files generated for arm64 and x86_64 look fine, although I do not rule out that this file is the problem, but more probable is that problem is in generated minidump.

Anyone has the same problem with breakpad builded for arm64 ?

Dariusz Ozygała

Apr 26, 2022, 8:23:45 AM4/26/22
to Google Breakpad Development

I  also noticed that minidump (from arm64) expects symbols from my app to be in 2 separated memory ranges:

  • 0x000000200000 – 0x0000006d3000
  • 0x0000006e2000 – 0x0000016d6000.

The first range is a good one, and it is the same that occurs in case of x86_64. I can assume that this is good range, cuz if I add address of function from sym file to this offset 0x000000200000 it is correct address of same function in my crash's stack trace.
Maybe I just have to figure out how to get rid of this second incorrect range saved in my minidump?

Lei Zhang

Apr 27, 2022, 6:10:35 PM4/27/22
I'm not working on anything related to ARM64, so I have not seen this
problem. I sometimes debug minidump_stackwalk issues by running:
strace -e trace=file -f minidump_stackwalk ..., to get a better idea
of what files minidump_stackwalk is accessing. That may reveal a clue
as to why minidump_stackwalk is not working.
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