Hey guyz!
I have a problem to get an updated result out of a while loop.
Already spent a few days reading articles and trying to figure it out...
Hopefully you can help :)
I want to take a title (string) and if its length is less than 78, I want to add words to it randomlly,
Using a list of words in a sheet.
This is working prefectly, the problem is that its adding same words over and over again.
I searched for a way to remove duplicates and found the [...new Set(arr)], and It works perfectly.
Yet when I try to use it in a while loop (every loop check remove duplicates) , the end result still has duplicates.
I am adding the sheet which will help you understand it better,
SheetAnd here's the code.
* Adds Brand, adds words to 80 letters.
* @Param Title the base title used
* @Param Brand the store brand (Ess,Eag..)
* @customfunction
function AddKeyWords(title, brand) {
title = ChangeTitleWords(title, brand); //previous function.
//title = "Just a few words";
if(title == "Missing Brand" || title == "") {
return "Missing Brand or Title";
} else {
let wordsArr = title.split(" "); //split title to array
let len = title.length;
//If title is more than 80 notes, remove words of it.
while (wordsArr.join(" ").length > 80) {
let Title2 = wordsArr.join(" ");
let Title2Len = Title2.length;
let len2 = 80 - Title2Len;
//if title had less than 78 notes, add a random word
while (len2 > 3) {
let wordsArr1 = title.split(" ");
if (len2 == 3) {
} else if (len2 == 4) {
} else if (len2 >= 5 && len2 < 18) {
} else if (len2 >= 18) {
wordsArr = [...new Set(wordsArr)]; // create a new arr without duplicates
len2 = 80 - wordsArr.join(" ").length;
//return title3;
title3 = wordsArr;
return title3.join(" ");
////Random Functions.
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function random3() {
var t = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Settings').getRange('L5:L').getValues().filter(String)
return(t[getRandomInt(0, t.length-1)]);
function random4() {
var t = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Settings').getRange('M5:M').getValues().filter(String)
return(t[getRandomInt(0, t.length-1)]);
function random5() {
var t = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Settings').getRange('N5:N').getValues().filter(String)
return(t[getRandomInt(0, t.length-1)]);
function random10() {
var t = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Settings').getRange('O5:O').getValues().filter(String)
return(t[getRandomInt(0, t.length-1)]);