Google Apps Script - merge doc - multi page with dynamic tables on each page

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urwa shabir

May 29, 2019, 3:00:46 PM5/29/19
to Google Apps Script Community
I am working on an invoice generator that usually takes 2 to 3 pages. This is the current logic which is working for the most part.

- Take data from google sheet (variable).
- Determine total rows.
- Divide total rows into chunks (15 rows for page 1 due to initial info etc, 25 (or remaining) for page 2 and onwards).
- To comply with the invoice formatting I do the following, lets say we have 35 data rows for a particular invoice
   -- For page 1 append the following [header row + 15 data rows + subtotal] and insert table on page 1.
   -- Page break
   -- For page 2 append the following [header + 35 - 15 subtotal + data rows + tax deduction + total] and insert table on page 2.

Now the problem occurs when for some rows the data is on multiple line. This causes table on page 1 to move to second page and then there is a page break and table 2 moves to page 3.

Is there something I am completely missing in inserting dynamic number of tables with dynamic number of rows (some being multiline) in a google doc. If you think another way, the problem is at what point to break the data array to insert subTotal row so that table stays on a single page in google doc.

I came up with one other logic (but I could not implement it since google docs as no method to determine if we have reached the end of a page).

- Insert empty table on page 1.
- Keep appending data rows until the end of page or one less row than end of page.
- Sum all costs and append subtotal row.
- Add page break.
- Insert empty table on page 2.
- Append subtotal.
- keep appending data rows until the end of page or one less row than end of page.
- Sum all costs and append subtotal row.
- Add page break.
- Repeat until last data row is reached.
- In which case add tax deduction and total row.

But as mentioned, I coulld not find any method that could tell if I am at the end of the page or track page count in any way.

If any one can help in this regard that would be great.

Thanks in advance.
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