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Using Chrome Extension to improve GDoc Editor Add-on

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Andrew Roberts

Jan 23, 2023, 3:23:43 PM1/23/23
to Google Apps Script Community

I am working on an GDoc editor Add-on that highlights a section of text based on links that are clicked in the sidebar, but I would like to reduce the second or two it takes for the highlighting to appear. As a Chrome extension can potentially access the GDoc UI directly, would there be any way to use a supplementary extension to improve the latency?

I'm looking at you Zig Mandel and Tanaike!

Thanks in advance.

#chromeextension #editoraddon


Jan 24, 2023, 10:40:59 AM1/24/23
to Google Apps Script Community
If I understood you correctly, then you could add a mutation observer which would only react to selections.

Andrew Roberts

Jan 24, 2023, 1:03:42 PM1/24/23
to Google Apps Script Community
Thanks for the response Alex. I am afraid my UI knowledge is limited, would you expand on that a bit? Would that be running on the extension or the sidebar client-side JS?

I guess the main question is: is there a way for the client-side JS in the sidebar to communicate with a chrome extension? Or is this just the thing that Google are wanting to avoid by putting the sidebar in a sandbox iFrame?

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