Data alignment in emails

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Fred Swartz

Jun 18, 2024, 4:03:35 PM (11 days ago) Jun 18

Greetings Apps Script Community, 

I want to align data in three columns in emails to be sent to my group.  I have varying string lengths for columns [1] and [12].  Data in [13] is a single digit.  
    Column 1, selected Olympic Sports, currently has content lengths varying from 9 to 23 characters. 
                    It would be fine to make this field 25 characters in length. 
    Column 2, Predicted Medalist Countries, has possible variation from 4 to 27 characters.  
                    I can make it work with, say, 10 characters.  
    Column 3, Points Earned, will be a single digit (5,3,1,0), awarded if the predicted country earns a medal. 

For Columns 1 and 2, should string lengths be standardized before launching the Send GmailApp.sendEmail(respDataPicks[25][12], subject, strBody); 
If so, how?
Or, can Gmail use fields to be populated in order to get organized output.  If so, how?

Obviously, I'm floundering and not finding the key to this problem.

Thanks in advance.


// Send to FS...Fred
msgGreeting = ("Hello FS..Fred " + "\n" + "\n");
for ( iRow = 7; iRow <= 22; iRow++) {
detailLine = (respDataPicks[iRow][1] + " " + respDataPicks[iRow][12] + " " + respDataPicks[iRow] [13] +"\n" );
msgDetail = msgDetail+ detailLine;
Logger.log (msgDetail );
strBody = strBody.concat(msgGreeting,msgIntro, msgDetail);

GmailApp.sendEmail(respDataPicks[25][12], subject, strBody);


George Ghanem

Jun 19, 2024, 1:30:05 PM (10 days ago) Jun 19
Hi Fred,

I would suggest using HTML formatting for the email and use table to place your data. That would ensure they are aligned.

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Fred Swartz

Jun 19, 2024, 5:19:25 PM (10 days ago) Jun 19
to Google Apps Script Community
Thank you for the suggestion.  I won't have sufficient time to meet the HTML challenge.  Is it possible to create a "work-around" with Google Docs...load a Document with my Apps Script text and the load my three-column table into a Docs three-column table...then attach the Document via the GmailApp.sendEmail method?  If so, where would I find a useful source for this task of articulating between the Gmail and Documents tools?   Firing in the dark here.....



George Ghanem

Jun 19, 2024, 11:51:29 PM (9 days ago) Jun 19
I can put together a little function that does this.

Can you share a sample spreadsheet that has some sample data that you want to appear in the email body and give me edit access to it?

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