About a time zone of the campaign manager report acquisition in GAS

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s u

Mar 19, 2020, 8:29:45 AM3/19/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Hi,Support team

I asked CM support and CM API support about the same contents. However, I was said to want this team to ask a question.

I list contents and the current situation that I want to realize.
I would appreciate your confirming it.

Things I want to achieve
・I want to output a report for a spreadsheet by GAS.
・I want to reflect the data for the past in everyday
・I want to reflect data for the day before in morning.
・I want to set the contents of the report on the DCM side.
 OR I set a schedule by a spreadsheet, and a delay does not occur.

the current situation
・The schedule setting of CM is not reflected automatically by a spreadsheet.
 Therefore I set a schedule on the spreadsheet side.



・It is late that data of the day before are reflected.


・The time zone of DCM is JST

・How should I repair it to realize the contents in the current situation?

Alan Wells

Mar 19, 2020, 9:28:59 AM3/19/20
to Google Apps Script Community
Welcome to the group.  We aren't technically a "support" team, any help that is provided is given voluntarily.
It seems that you need to format your date, or that there is something wrong with the time zone.

You may want to look at the documentation for Utilities.formatDate()

Are you working with users that have different time zones?

Andrew Roberts

Mar 20, 2020, 5:10:11 AM3/20/20
to google-apps-sc...@googlegroups.com
In case this helps: If you are needing to display dates and times for different timeZones for that of the script/GSheet in the past I have used the user's GCalendar's time zone.

This DateTime library (ID: 1X2qbPZljrYN_TrvWkwW8OAn6zQgN7Gu5o1D4OBq522FVaCskiyZe44Au) has a method called getCalendarDateTime().

The whole time zone thing can get a bit complicated!!

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