Classroom Update Time Efficiency

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Chad Frerichs

May 3, 2019, 12:58:32 PM5/3/19
to Google Apps Script Community
I'm trying to list Google Classroom update dates for course, announcements, & coursework as well as the teachers of each active course created after a certain date to a Sheet that is tied to a DataStudio visualization. I keep hitting the execution time limit. I would love any suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of the code below.

 * Lists Google Classrooms that are active and created after a certain date, the teachers listed for those classrooms, and the last update time of CourseWork, Announcements and the Course itself to a defined tab in a Sheet.
function listClassrooms()
  //Defining the sheet(aka tab) where the list will be dumped
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Classroom List');
  //Clearing the sheet of previous data
  //Preparing the array to house the data
  var classroomArray = [["Name","Teacher Name","Last Course Update","Last Announcement Update","Last Coursework Update"]];
  var courses = new Array();
  //Data regarding courses created after the following date will be gathered
  var dateToCheck = new Date("2018-07-01");
  var pageToken, page;
  //Loop through each page of courses creating an array of course information
    var response = Classroom.Courses.list({pageToken: pageToken});
    var currentPage =;
    for (i=0; i<currentPage.length; i++)
    pageToken = response.nextPageToken;
  for (i = 0; i < courses.length-1; i++)
    var course = courses[i];
    //Gather course creation date
    var creationDate = new Date(course.creationTime);
    //Check the creation date against the date set above
    if(course.courseState=="ACTIVE" && creationDate > dateToCheck)
      //Get the most recent Announcement update date
      var announcementDate = latestAnnouncement(;
      //Get the most recent CourseWork update date
      var cwDate = latestCoursework(;
      //Get the most recent Course Update date
      var courseDate = new Date(course.updateTime);
      //Gather the list of teachers for the course
      var teacherList = getTeacherList(;
      //Append the data to the array
      Logger.log( + " processed");
      classroomArray.push([, teacherList, courseDate, announcementDate, cwDate]);
  //Dump the array of data to the sheet
  sheet.getRange(1, 1, classroomArray.length, 5).setValues(classroomArray);
//Get the most recent Announcement update date
function latestAnnouncement(id)
  if (Classroom.Courses.Announcements.list(id).announcements)
    var announcements = Classroom.Courses.Announcements.list(id,{ orderBy: "updateTime"}).announcements;
    var announcementDate = new Date(announcements[0].updateTime);
  return announcementDate;
//Get the most recent CourseWork update date
function latestCoursework(id)
  if (Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.list(id).courseWork)
    var cw = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.list(id ,{ orderBy: "updateTime"}).courseWork;
    var cwDate = new Date(cw[0].updateTime);
  return cwDate;
//Gather the list of teachers for the course
function getTeacherList(id)
  var teachers = Classroom.Courses.Teachers.list(id).teachers;
  var teacherNum = teachers.length-1;
  var teacherList = "";
  //Gather teachers' readable names
  for ( j = 0; j <= teacherNum; j++)
    teacherList += teachers[j];
    if (j < teacherNum)
      teacherList += ", ";
  return teacherList;

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